Yesterday marked a momentous occasion, the gathering of one hundred Tesla Model S and Roadsters on a fifty-mile tour in Southern California. Tesla Motors in an electric parade? Bring it on!
Set for Sunday, September 8, 2013, in an event put on by TeslaRun.com put together one hundred Tesla Motors owners/lovers/enthusiasts for a unique run of cars. The Tour de Tesla, of course, will feature only Tesla Model S and Tesla Roadster vehicles, and will burn approximately zero gallons of gasoline. As one enthusiast put it, “Green is the new black.” Electric vehicles, such as those built by Tesla Motors, could be the greenest transportation in existence, aside from carbon-based bi- and quadru-pedal life-forms, if not the sexiest.
Entry for the Tour de Tesla was $75, which garnered participants a spot in the hundred-car lineup, continental breakfast hosted by none other than Tesla Motors, and a bag full of Tesla souvenirs. The fifty-mile run started, at 9:00am, from Hawthorne, California and ended up at the Peterson Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. Once there, participants will also enjoy tickets to the museum and a shot of the fleet from the roof of the museum. Still waiting for pictures of the even to be posted…
Of course, this is not the first time that a group of Tesla Model S or Roadster owners have gotten together to share their love of Tesla Motors, or even defend it. In February, a number of Tesla Model S owners got together to prove that a certain New York Times review was, to put it lightly, ridiculous. Other electric vehicle owners have taken part in parades to show off how beautiful and functional they can be, such as the 260½ electric vehicles that were on parade in Norway.
Image © Jim Nazarian