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Energy Floors Transform Kinetic Energy from Dancing into Electricity


Sustainable-Dance-ClubFloors which harvest kinetic energy to produce electricity have already been used in sports arenas with implementation in running tracks and fields. This development is now coming to nightclubs with Energy Floors, the name behind the design, producing an LED-lit floor that transforms dance moves into electricity.

Available in many sizes, the Energy Floors feature modular tiles which are connected to their own separate generators which accumulate the energy from dancers’ dance moves. From lighting up the very LED lights in the Energy Floor tiles themselves to running other devices or sound systems, the harvested energy can be put to a variety of uses. Temple Night Club in San Francisco utilizes a permanent installation for these same purposes.

Energy is produced for electricity generation when dance moves cause the Energy Floor tiles to produce tiny movements of up to 10 mm, which in turn trigger piezoelectric generators to produce a maximum of 35 watts of power.

The electricity produced after a night’s dancing session could be enough to defray that night’s cost of power by a considerable margin, considering that each dancer produces between 5 and 20 watts of electricity during the night.

Energy Floors ensure that energy that would otherwise be wasted while dancing or while engaging in exercise is put to good use in helping cut carbon dioxide emissions. It is even possible for the renewable-energy-producing-floors to be rented for special occasions.

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