Enel Green Power in collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop have developed a mini wind turbine prototype that is more sensitive to low-altitude diffuse wind.
The new wind turbine has a capacity of 55 kW and can generate continuous electricity as it can use the wind speeds of only 2 meters/second.
The prototype was created in Rovereto, where Metalsistem, the company that handled the design, has its headquarters. “The giraffe house,” a specially-crafted lab for this purpose has been built. The mini-wind turbine actually looks like a giraffe with its blades coming through the roof.
Mass production for the Italian market will begin as soon as the tests lasting 12 months are completed.
It is expected that the new mini-turbine designed by Renzo Piano to be used outside of Italy, in the United States, where such turbines have a long history, but also in France, Spain and Greece.
[via Green-Report]