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The Empire State Building to Be Powered by Wind Turbines


Empire State Building, the tallest building in New York, and referred to as one of the wonders of the modern world, will buy 100% wind power from Texas-based Green Mountain Energy Company. According to the AIA (American Institute of Architects), the Empire State Building is the first on the List of America’s Favorite Architecture.

“It was a natural fit for us to combine 100% clean energy with our nearly completed, groundbreaking energy efficiency retrofit work,” Anthony E. Malkin, president of Malkin Holdings, which runs the building, said in an announcement. This way, the energy consumption is reduced and more customers are attracted by the low prices.

Green Mountain considers that the two-year contract for 55 million kilowatt hours of renewable energy will lead to the reduction of almost 100 million pounds of CO2 yearly. This quantity of CO2 is used by most houses in the city during a single week, or by 150,000 trees.

Moreover, Serious Materials were employed by the Empire State Building in order to take away, install and renew the 6,514 double-hung, dual pane windows of the building. Other upgrades will also be made.

Arah Schuur believes that the Empire State Building is now the most recognizable energy retrofit in the whole world.

More and more businesses, organizations and institutions try to stand out and advertise themselves by boasting with the purchase of renewable energy certificates. Such an example is the Indianapolis Zoo. The Environmental Protection Agency, through the Green Power Partnership Program, supports the action of obtaining green power at organizational levels.

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  1. I’m sure that Texans are proud to know that a company from their state will go down in history for making one of the world’s greatest buildings green. I can only imagine how long this building construction is going to take. After the project’s completion, this great building will be even better. I enjoy staying current on projects like this one, which is why I use McGraw Hill’s building construction site for all of my construction needs. I do some occasional work for McGraw Hill, but I have turned to them for my construction queries long before we started working together. If you are like me and enjoy reading about interesting construction projects going on throughout the United States, check out their website.


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