The Energy Competence Centre (ECC) has recently finished the development of its second wind turbine project at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR).
The project consists of the installation of two 1.5-megawatt GE wind turbines which will provide clean electricity to the Air Force Center for Engineering. MMR’s main goal is to obtain all of its energy from renewables.
“This highly visible project was delivered safely, with high quality and ahead of schedule through the collective efforts of the entire AFCEE/ECC team. Each time I cross the Sagamore Bridge and see the turbines spinning, I am reminded of ECC’s contribution in bringing alternative energy to Cape Cod,” said Brian LaMont, program manager for ECC.
The first wind turbine installed by EEC at the MMR has saved the Air Force of almost $500,000 per year.
This is not the only Air Force base that get its electricity from renewable sources. The Eglin Air Force Base in Valparaiso, Florida, boasts around 164 Ecosun Solar Pool Heater Collectors in order to generate energy for its 13,635-square-foot pool, which the Air Force uses for exercise and recreation.
The PV solar panels have been provided by Compass Solar and are capable of producing 5.9 million BTUs daily (approximately 1.7 megawatts).
[via Cooler Planet]