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Eco-Friendly Restaurant Has Air-purifying Walls Made of Salt


salt-restaurant-iran-emitaz-designing-group-2.jpg.650x0_q85_crop-smartIranian restaurant, built from salt, sets a new trend in eco-friendly building and design. The salt is derived from local salt mines and a salt lake and has double function- ‘green’ building material and air-purifier.

The idea for the clever design belongs to the team at Emtiaz Designing Group, who decided to implement it for a first time in the Salt Restaurant in Shiraz, south Iran. Inspired by the picturesque natural salt mines and Marharloo salt lake in the region, the designers managed to bring this natural beauty indoors.

The material was sourced from the local mines, which in fact minimized the costs for transportation and pollution associated with it. But this is not the point where eco-friendliness ends, in fact, this is where it starts. Salts are known to be a natural air-purifiers. They help to reduce airborne irritants and pathogens, such as fungi and bacteria, as well as various allergens like smoke, pollen and air pollutants.

In order to turn this magic material into a suitable eco-friendly building substance that does not dissolve, the designers mixed it with natural gums. And to keep up with the already pro-environment name, the designers decided to use recycled soda cans to make quite a unique style chairs and stair treads.

This new, or rather rediscovered, use of salts as a building material holds a big promise for the future of construction. It is added to the ever-so growing list of bio- eco-friendly materials such as the hemp-based material absorbing pollutants, all the products at the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Challenge, recycled concrete, and recycled paper. All these will hopefully soon completely replace polluting concrete and bricks, and pave the way to green building future.

Of course, there is no better place to raise awareness than at a friendly green local restaurant. Just like Silo, the Solar Orchid, and Skipchen, the Salt Restaurant is right up there promoting green and sustainable living.

Image (c) Emtiaz Designing Group

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