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Dutch Wind Turbine Raises 1.3 mln Euros in 13 hours


Windcentraleturbine.jpg.662x0_q100_crop-scaleIf you were wondering how far can a project financed through crowdfunding go, take a look at this. A Dutch wind turbine managed to attract just over 1700 Dutch householders, who in a space of only 13 hours, were able to purchase all 6,648 shares, 200 euros each, and raise the incredible 1.3 million Euros.

The wind turbine, which attracted this enormous interest is located in Culemborg, Central Netherlands near Utrecht. It is currently a property of WindCentrale, a company, which funds older models turbines, purchased from other energy companies or project developers. The turbine in question is a Vestas V80 2-MW model, which has a net annual share of 500kWh of electricity. The energy, which it generates, will be sold through the company Greenchoice to their 350,000 customers.

WindCentrale makes sure that each wind turbine they fund has a separate cooperative ownership structure. This guarantees the appropriate maintenance of the technology via the manufacturer. The cost for this is covered by the shareholders, with each of them having to pay an annual fee of 23 euros. The energy production and wind speeds can be monitored via the free smartphone app provided by WindCentrale.

According to WindCentrale, by paying 200 euros for a share of the Vestas wind turbine, you save roughly 120 euros from your electricity bill per year for the next 12 years.

Check out the company website. There are some more amazing deals available. Be prepared, it is all in Dutch, but any online translator would be able to assist you with getting the general idea.

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