Drumi, a pedal-powered portable washer-dryer presented at the 2015 Green Living Show at Toronto, doesn’t need electricity, battery, generator or a solar panel.
Ever worried about the big pile of dirty laundry staring at you just after you came home from a happy camping? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wash dirty laundry on the move when there is no access to electricity?
If you are someone (like us at The Green Optimistic) who cares about ozone depletion and climate change, you must consider the CFCs released by your AC, refrigerator and washing machine into the atmosphere. Now Yirego found Drumi, a single solution for all these problems.
Drumi was invented at the Ontario centres of Excellence. The prototype was developed and presented with a demo at the Green Living Show 2015 by Yirego, a household design company.
Drumi is 22 inch tall and can hold up to 5 Litres of water at once. Recycled materials were used up to 40% in its making. It can wash, rinse, and spin dry a small load (up to six to seven clothes) within a few minutes of pedalling. As it intakes no energy, it is very cost-effective and uses 80% less detergent and water in comparison to a regular washing machine.
As it is simple, compact, portable and can withstand rough usage, it is perfect for students and campers. Drumi could be the saviour at times of power cut.
We have to wait until July 2016 for it to hit the stores or pre-order it at Yirego for $129 before the one-time offer ends, i.e. by June 29. Watch the demo video below.