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Donald Trump Invests in Wind Power, Despite Politics


donaldtrumpDonald Trump has a history of speaking out against wind power. The businessman, whose mother was a Scottish immigrant, had previously complained about wind turbines ruining the Scottish countryside.

He also took legal action against an offshore wind farm near the golf resort he owns in Aberdeenshire. Despite all of this public denouncement, it has been revealed that he has invested thousands of dollars in Nextera Energy, a Florida firm that claims they are a global leader in wind power generation.

Trump’s investments were made public after he announced his intention to run for President of the United States. A financial disclosure to the Federal Election Commission shows that Donald Trump owns shares that cost from $50,000 to $100,000, completely contradicting his personal politics.

A spokesman for the businessman states that Mr. Trump did not choose the investment himself. The investment firm Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Brokerage Acct Holdings, who manages part of the Trump fortune, chose what companies the money would be given to.

Regardless of whether he chose the investments himself, Donald Trump’s political stance on wind energy is clearly one that he will need to re-examine if he wants to retain his reputation as someone who is good with money. The fact that an independent investment company, with no commitment to a fossil fuel free future, would choose a wind energy company to invest in is highly encouraging.

Renewable energy will only truly be able to become an alternative to oil and gas when it is seen as advantageous even by those who don’t care about the environment at all.

The most important idea here is not that Donald Trump is a hypocrite, but that alternative energy is becoming a secure, money-making investment just like fossil fuel investments.

Image (c) Getty

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