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Denmark Sets Record for Wind Power Production in 2015


denmark_wind_power_jpg_662x0_q70_crop-scaleDenmark set a world record in 2015 for using the highest amount of wind power, meeting 42% of their energy needs.

This was a 3% rise from 2014. Denmark is well on the way to their goal of  50% of having their electricity needs met by alternative energy in 2020.

Wind Power has been steadily growing according to the Global Wind Energy Council as investments in the clean energy sector continue to rise. Overall the world is seeing 40% growth and has a capacity to produce 369,553 MW .

Denmark which has been steadily growing their wind power benefited from an above average windy year as well as building more turbines.

“Hopefully, Denmark can serve as an example to other countries that it is possible to have
both ambitious green policies with a high proportion of wind energy and other renewables in the energy supply, and still have a high security of supply and competitive prices on electricity,” said the country’s minister for energy, utilities and climate, Lars Christian Lilleholt.

Denmark frequently has an excess of energy and sells electricity to their neighbors in Norway Sweden and Germany. China, USA and Spain are also large producers of wind energy.


Image (c) Skagman  Bottum

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