Regen ReNu is a good alternative solution to power you gadgets free of charge. The ReNu charging device has a solar panel design which could fit very well into a modern environment. The ReNu can be used to charge a variety of electronic gadgets like the iPhone, iPod or other USB devices.
The smart charger’s panels are designed to be put in direct sunlight or in an open window in order to charge an internal battery that is able to supply electricity to other electronic gadgets. With a lot of functions, the charger is able to inform the user about the actual storage capacity of its battery, about the energy generated and when the user should put the device again back to a window or sunny area for self charging.
ReNu is able to charge as well normal cell phone and plays an important role in the task lighting. Regen Inc. plans to sell the first devices starting with the beginning of next year, and the first to get on the market will be the ReNu iPhone Dock, ReNu Sound Dock and the ReNu Side Light. The price of such a charger is expected to be around $199 USD.