Nanoparticle Coating Protects Turbojet Engines Parts and Increases Fuel Efficiency

Nanoparticle Coating Increases Aircraft Fuel Efficiency and Engine Life

Aircraft engines, specifically the turbojets that are used on aircraft from the humble passenger plane to the monstrous C-17, burns millions of tons of...

New OCN Jet Engine Sips 25% Less Fuel and Outputs 75% Less Greenhouse Gases

An Israeli firm called R-Jet Engineering has designed a new jet engine that could lower the fuel consumption by 25%. Just like current jet engines are twice as efficient compared to those built in the 1960s, this one, if applied on commercial airplanes, could offer significant savings in fuel and greenhouse gases.

Revetec Controlled Combustion Engine: 50% less fuel, 100% power

A better combustion engine is the one recently patented by Revetec, a small company from Australia. Their engine has been tested by independent parties. It has the same power as an ordinary engine, but it consumes half the fuel and it weights 50% less. It's also smaller than the average car engine.

Ciatti's Gasoline-Burning Diesel Engine Emits Less Soot and Nitrous Oxides

Diesel and gasoline engines have been the only way to move around since the 19th century (maybe with some small, electric exceptions for a short while). Though having low efficiency numbers (20 percent) when compared to their counterparts, gasoline engines still found their place on the market, mostly because in the first hundred years they had the advantage of being quicker, more responsive and now for not emitting soot and nitrous oxides.
GM Ultralite Concept 1992

General Motors’ 100 mpg Car – The Platinum Anniversary That Could Have Been

In 1992, I built my first PC, the same year Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Works hit the market. Bill Clinton became President of the...

Student-Built Ultra-Efficient Car Does 1,980 MPG

The annual Mileage Marathon Challenge near Leicester, England gathered a group of students from several schools and universities this year. The surprising thing is they weren't the ones cheering in the stands, as you may imagine â€Ã¢â‚¬Å“ they were actually the ones driving the models they had designed in class!
Liquified Natural Gas [LNG] being Transported in Finland

Natural Gas Bus and Truck Fleet to Expand in the EU

Research indicates that by 2018, natural gas trucks and buses will account for 3.4% and 12.7%, respectively, of the entire fleet in the European...
Fun and Fuel Economy, Who Knew?

How Small Engine Turbo Improves Fuel Economy

Typically, even a low-boost small engine turbo can deliver 25% more power than its non-boosted sister. That means that even a tiny turbocharged i3 can...
Airbus A350-XWB Fuel Efficient Composite Aircraft Made Its Maiden Flight This Morning

Airbus A350-XWB, Maiden Flight of Fuel Efficient Composite Jumbo Jet

Fuel efficient aircraft are critical to maintaining the bottom line in the airline industry. Recent developments in engine and aircraft design, such as the...
Toyota's New 1.3ℓ Engine is a Boost for Fuel Efficiency

Toyota’s New Engines Improve Fuel Efficiency

The internal combustion engine (ICE) may be old tech, finding its roots over a hundred years ago, but it’s certainly not dead. Toyota’s new...