Gotcha! Fiat 500e Fine Print

Fiat 500e’s $199/mo Lease Deal Negated by The Fine Print

Fiat CEO Marchionne has already hinted that producing the Fiat 500e, an all-electric version of the popular Fiat 500 series, is tantamount to fiscal...
Renault Study Compares Lifecycle Emissions of Electric Vehicles and Conventional Vehicles

Lifecycle Emissions – Electric Vehicles Cleaner, Renault Study

Looking at electric vehicles in combination with some renewable energy source, you might properly come to the conclusion that they are cleaner than conventional...
Toyota A-BAT Concept [Hybrid Vehicle Technology in a Truck!]

Toyota and Ford Call off Hybrid Vehicle Technology Collaboration

Sometimes, in order to develop new automobile technology faster and cheaper, such as hybrid vehicle technology, a couple of automakers may collaborate and share...
Daihatsu Mira e:S, Most Fuel-Efficient Conventional Vehicle?

Daihatsu Mira e:S, the Most Fuel-Efficient Gas Vehicle

The Daihatsu Mira e:S was rated at 30km/ℓ on the JC08 fuel consumption test. It weighs 1,700lb and is powered by a 660cc i3...
Fuel Economy Testing Needs to be Improved

Fuel Economy, EPA Ratings vs Real World, Consumer Reports Points Out Improvements

Recently, there has been a lot of flak in the air over supposed fuel economy discrepancies. “Your Mileage May Vary” isn't enough for people...
General Motors' Dan Akerson

Tesla Motors – GM’s Newest Threat, According to Dan Akerson

Tesla Motors has been success after success, and this young company has started to attract the attention of long-established automakers, like General Motors, who...
Toyota Prius Still Top of Sales While Other Automakers Play Catchup

Electrified Vehicle Sales Rising, Toyota Prius Still King of the Hill

Toyota Prius may have been the first electrified vehicle to become a smashing success in the automobile market, but it merely paved the way...
BMW i3, in the Nude.

Is the BMW i3 Aiming for a California HOV Lane Loophole?

The BMW i3 and i8, shown as extended-range electric vehicles in recent years on the auto show circuits, are a highly anticipated addition...
Nissan Leaf's New Marketing Ploy in London: Touring a Dumpster Full of Dirty Vehicles?

Nissan Leaf Marketing Scheme “Dumps” Toyota Prius and Others (in London)

In order to improve air quality in the London downtown district, legislators “encourage” drivers to choose cleaner transportation by imposing a daily Congestion Charge...
Honda FCX Clarity Fuel Cell Vehicle

GM and Honda Just Announced Hydrogen Fuel Cell Development Partnership

If two companies are working toward the same goal, in this case hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, then what better idea than to come together...