Tesla Motors Direct Sales Won't Get Federal Help

Dear Tesla Motors Fans, “You Have to Resolve This On State Level.” Sincerely, The...

Unlike every other automaker in the United States (we say US, because no other country on the planet has such ridiculous protectionist laws) Tesla...
Big Oil Doesn't Like Ethanol. No, Really!

Big Oil Behind Blocking Use of Ethanol? Say It Isn’t So!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), higher percentages of biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, are to be blended...
Tesla Model S Has What It Takes, Where's Everyone Else?

Tesla Model S is “Best Quality Automobile,” Research Says

According to research done by research company Strategic Vision, the Tesla Model S has the best “perceived quality” of any automobile on the market. Asking...
Forty Pounds Less Spring Means Better Audi Fuel Economy

Audi Introduces Fuel Economy Boosting Fiberglass Springs

The overall performance and fuel economy of any vehicle is determined by the complex interaction of engine power, aerodynamics, weight, and drag, among other...
Tesla Motors, Never Underestimate "Small" Companies

Morgan Stanley Says Tesla Motors is the World’s Most Important Automaker

Tesla Motors may be the most-successful automobile startup in the last half-century and, at least according to Morgan Stanley, could be the world’s most...
Neste Recycled Oil Goes to Fuel Feedstocks

Neste Oil Recycled Oil is a Transportation Fuel Feedstock

Petroleum is a limited resource, but recycled oil can give it a second life before it finally is disposed of. As we know, when petroleum...
Is Tesla Motors setting the pattern for future automobile sales?

Tesla Motors Direct Sales is the Right Idea for Tomorrow’s Automobile Market

While Tesla Motors’ direct sales model has caused a great divide in the country, most especially with regard to protectionist laws regarding automobile dealerships,...
Hydrogen Fuel has a Dark Side, but Solar Power Could be The Rebellion

Solar Powered Hydrogen Fuel – The Rebellion

Hydrogen fuel cell and battery electric vehicles have one very important thing in common: they’re both emissions-free sort of. While it’s true that hydrogen fuel...
The Tesla Motors Patent Wall, Just Before Being Symbolically Dismantled

Tesla Motors Patents Open for Everyone to Use

The rumors were true! Tesla Motors has indeed opened up all its patents to open-source, and even symbolically demolished the Patent Wall, shown above. Many...
Electric vehicles should pay their fair share, but how?

Electric Vehicles and the Future of Paying for the National Highway System

For decades, it seems that the best way to unobtrusively pay for, at least the maintenance of, the national highway system has been to...