To say hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are ultimately powered by fossil fuels is a bit misleading.

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Eight – Hydrogen Fuel IS Emissions Intensive

Some have pointed at fuel cell vehicles as yet another in a slew of “greenwashed” vehicles, but a careful consideration of the facts should...
Myth - Hydrogen Fuel Cell Refueling Stations are Too Expensive!

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Seven – Hydrogen Fuel Stations are Too Expensive!

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, just like hybrid electric vehicles and conventional vehicles, would require refueling stations, but aren’t they too expensive to build? Like all...
Fuel cell vehicle fueling infrastructure, no more dangerous than compressed natural gas.

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Six – Hydrogen Fuel Storage and Delivery is Dangerous

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles may seem like a new technology, but is hydrogen fuel production, storage, delivery, and utilization unproven technology? Actually, this has been...
Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Five – Fuel Cell Vehicles Use Liquid Hydrogen

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Five – Fuel Cell Vehicles Use Liquid Hydrogen

We’ve been filling up conventional vehicles with liquid fuel for over a century, so it only makes sense that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles use...
Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Four – Hydrogen Fuel Storage is Dangerous

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Four – Hydrogen Fuel Storage is Dangerous

I’m really getting on a roll here, talking about various myths surrounding fuel cell vehicles, and I’m looking forward to hearing what our faithful...
Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Three – Hydrogen Fuel is Expensive

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Three – Hydrogen Fuel is Expensive

If cost is a measure of how willing people are to get into alternative fuel vehicles, such as fuel cell vehicles, won’t expensive hydrogen...
Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Two – Fuel Cell Vehicles are Expensive

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth Two – Fuel Cell Vehicles are Expensive

Here on The Green Optimistic, we love practically anything that reduces our footprint in the environment, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, but there...
If you'll just sign here, waiving all your rights to a safe and hacker-free Tesla Model S driving experience…

$10,000 to Hack the Tesla Model S, No Winners So Far

We’ve talked before about hacking the computer controls in modern cars, such as the Toyota Prius and Tesla Model S, but this is the...
Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth One – Fuel Cell Vehicles “Burn” Hydrogen

Fuel Cell Vehicle Myth One – Fuel Cell Vehicles “Burn” Hydrogen

Starting a discussion on the multiple benefits of fuel cell vehicles, which makes us wonder, are there any myths that need to be busted? Olathe...
"No More '-ish' Fuel Economy Numbers," says EPA

EPA Suggests Actually Testing Automobile Fuel Economy

It’s long been known that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) doesn’t actually test most of the cars before it assigns the “official”-ish fuel economy...