DIY Stirling Engine Boat Tutorial

There are many ways for building a stirling engine boat. You can either use a frame of square lumbers or fiber-reinforced plastic. However, piling thick...

Methanol fuel cell – the Band Aid Version

Here's how you can build a methanol fuel cell, at home, from band aids, a Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) and some stainless steel bug...

Paint Your House With Solar Powered Paint!

Two UK researchers, David Worsley and Maarten Wijdekop have made up a paint that could produce electricity by gathering the energy from the Sun....

Your Fingertips Could Power Your Laptop!'s "Greener Gadgets Competition" shows up a system invented by Alexander Parker, that could power your laptop, cellphone, or other device that has buttons...

How to Build Your Own Water Car at Home

In July 2005, an American mechanic released most of the details of his simple conversion system which allows an ordinary car to use water...

How to Build the Simplest Fuel Cell Ever

The simplest fuel cell "burns" hydrogen in a flameless chemical reaction to produce electricity. In order to 'burn' the hydrogen, a fuel cell needs...

How to Build a Backyard Biogas Plant

Introduction The success or failure of any biogas plant mainly depends upon the quality of how it is constructed. To construct a good biogas plant,...

Build a Joe Cell Hydrogen Generator from a Silicone Tube! (video)

In the times when gas prices rise and rise, and there's no optimistic future for our pockets, hydrogen and Brown's gas generation look more and...

Aussie Free Energy Generator – (presented by Sky News)

Another free energy generator, this time from Australia. It can produce as much as five times the input applied to it. It could power...