Tiny Biological Fuel Cells Could Power Future Implants

Scientists at the University of Georgia have discovered a new way to grow molecular wire brushes that conduct electrical charges. According to the researchers, this discovery is the first step in developing fuel cells for devices such as cochlear implants, prosthetic limbs and pacemakers.

Chunlei Guo's Metal Pushing Water Uphill Without Extra Energy

Chunlei Guo, a researcher from the University of Rochester, along with a team of scientists, have created a slab of metal that can push water uphill, defying gravity, by using the capillary effect. It's the same effect that happens when you put a piece of fabric in a wine glass, for example, and hold it with your hand.

DIY Solar Cell from Tea and Donuts

The Holy Grail of energy has been, is, and will be the solar power. Numerous solutions of converting solar power have existed along the centuries, and people have always used the Sun to power things up, except for the last hundred years or so - that's the main reason we all got into troubles with mother nature.

Gas Hydrates ("Burning Ice") Offer Clean Heating Solution

There is enough material underground to heat 100 million homes for a decade. With this amazing source of energy (the gas hydrates) researchers could develop systems that can provide green and cheap energy for all.

Ian`s Solar-Heated Air Balloons Could Harness 500kW Each

How would you like an engine producing your dear electricity? How would you like that engine to have pistons as high as heat-powered balloons? Well, an environmental consultant from Solartran in Brisbane, Australia, by his name Ian Edmonds, has designed such an energy producing "engine" from the classic and romantic air balloon.

DIY: How to Build the Simplest Electric Motor in Your Kitchen (video)

Electric motors have simple designs, are easy to operate and have a great resistance to various environments. That's why they are to be chosen as alternative to internal combustion engines. This is a trivial experiment showing how you can feel you made a real electric motor yourself. Just for fun.

Friction Heater Gets Almost Free Energy From Wood – Iron Friction

If this truly works (and I don't see why it shouldn't), it is the greatest home-produced energy discovery since the wheel has been founded. Lloyd Tanner uses an incredibly simple assembly of two 4x4 inch wood pieces, and an iron wheel spinning in between.

Sewage Could Be a New Way For Cheap Hydrogen

In the field of hydrogen fuel cell production, Oregon State University researchers have discovered that sewage can produce cheap hydrogen. In comparison with traditional electrolysis technology, sewage can produce hydrogen at a lower cost.

DIY: How to Make a Coca Cola-based Battery

Here's a method of producing a battery out of some Cola, salt, aluminum and copper coins. It lights a LED and it can be an interesting source of free energy!

Fuel Vapors System Runs Car in Charlotte County

Have your every drove your car on "fumes"? They're gas vapors that form when it evaporates. One man, John Weston, from Charlottle County, FL, has found these fumes useful and made a fueling system out of them so his car gets an incredible mileage: 463 miles per gallon! In European measurements (if I'm correct) this is 0.8L/100km!!! Wow! Not even VW's latest gadget car can't get this mileage!