Rice University Creates Better Lithium Ion Batteries by Using Waste Silicon

Researchers at Rice University and the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, have developed a method to turn discarded silicon into flexible components for rechargeable...

Composite Nanomaterial Could Transform The Car's Body Into a Battery

The interesting fact is that the material resembles a fabric, and can be shaped into different objects, so maybe in the future mobile phone users won't have to have a battery in their cellphone, just because its case will do the job.

New Mobile Energy Storage System Captures Excess Wind Power

New type of mobile energy storage system based on Lithium-ion batteries, has the potential to store 500 kilowatt-hour of excess wind power, which otherwise...

Company Promises to Develop Battery-Replacing Ultracapacitors in Electric Vehicles

For years, people have been thinking to reduce or even eliminate gasoline-powered vehicles, and switch to battery-powered ones. The the battery-powered electric vehicles' era hasn't already begun well enough, and now some are even thinking to replace batteries with something else: ultracapacitors.

IBM's New Lithium-Air Car Battery Offers 500-Mile Range

IBM seems to be the saviour of all electric vehicles, since it has recently come out with solutions for every major setback they present....

New York to Have 20 MW Energy Storage System Using Li-ion Batteries

The energy storage system will use advanced lithium-ion batteries and will prevent pollution by reducing carbon emissions and focusing on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

Researchers Believe Zinc Batteries Could Revolutionize Electric Vehicles

According to the researchers, zinc batteries could soon revolutionize electric vehicles. Researcher John Cooper is convinced that the common metal zinc is the future of transportation. "It's a power source for refuel able electrical vehicles you can use 24/7 if you wish," Cooper said.

MIT Using Viruses To Create Power In Batteries

MIT researchers have developed a new method of building batteries, solar panels and transistors by using... viruses! They announced the discovery of a new way...

Nickel Found to Control the Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are well-known for their long lasting lives. However, researchers believe there is still room for discussion. A group of scientists at the Department...

High-Performance Batteries Developed Using a Common Virus

The development of a new hi-tech rechargeable battery has been discussed this week at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The new high-performance batteries are portable and can be woven into fabrics, for both military and civil purposes.