New Graphene Layer to Double Ultracapacitors Storage Capability

Engineers and scientists from the University of Texas at Austin, led by Rod Ruoff, a mechanical engineering professor and physical chemist, have created a one-atom thick layer of carbon, called "graphene", and they put it to use in electrical storage systems, such as ultracapacitors, a viable way to clean and efficient energy storage.

New Fuel Battery Has 3 Times More Energy Than Gasoline!

It's not breaking news anymore, but some scientists from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and others, led by Stuart Licht, discovered a battery that could kick out fossil fuels at the chapter of energy storage capacity.

100 MPG Prius with Lead Acid Batteries

Plug-In Supply, Inc has just unveiled the "PbA10" Conversion System last week at the Plug-in 2008 conference in San Jose. Their system is based on the CalCars'Open Source design, and it turns a standard 2004-2008 Toyota Prius into a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) with an all-electric range of 10-15 miles and improved average mileage of up to 100 miles per gallon (plus 1 cent/mile of electricity).

DIY: How to Make a Coca Cola-based Battery

Here's a method of producing a battery out of some Cola, salt, aluminum and copper coins. It lights a LED and it can be an interesting source of free energy!

ICP Solar Panels to be Mounted on Future Nissan Models

Modern cars need a lot of battery power due to the high electricity consumption by those electronic gadgets people have in them. Often, the car sales personnel confronts with the issue of a dead battery when they are trying to sell a vehicle that has been standing parked for a long time.

Smart Fortwo MHD: Hybrid Car Without a Battery

Smart Fortwo Micro Hybrid Drive (MHD) has been available for quite a while on Europe's car markets. It's Smart's way of saying "I am cleaner than the cleanest", and a quite impressive innovation that brings some kind of a "hybrid" system into play by using a start-stop mechanism of the engine. It uses regenerative brakes, like all hybrids do, to recharge the battery, and it stops the engine when you halt at a stop light (in fact, when your speed drops below 8km/h).

Israel – the World Leader in Solar Powered Water Heating

Did you know that Israel has 90% of the population heating their water from the sun? This has happened because of the 1950 energy crisis, fact that led them into buying solar water heaters. In 1983, about 60% of the Israelis had solar water heating.

Very Fast Battery Chargers for Future Electric Vehicles

Chrysalix Energy invested several million dollars in a Dutch-based maker of ultrafast battery chargers that aim the market of electric cars and plug-in hybrids. Epyon B.V.,produced a "supercharge" technology that reduces the charge time of lithium-ion batteries 20 times below the times reached by current chargers.

Toyota Prius Batteries: Not Enough of Them!

Toyota has announced they just don't have the necessary capacity to produce the batteries they're required to put in the already ordered Priuses.

EnerDel to Make Longer Lasting, Cheaper Li-Ion Batteries by 2010

EnerDel, a company who has been on the market since 2004, makes serious promises about more efficient lithium-Ion batteries (LIB) to be manufactured in the very near future. They're planning to make 300,000 of them by 2010. They also say that their batteries keep their charge capacity for up to 300,000 cycles, or 10 years of life.