Another Water Car How-To
I just found out this incredible tutorial about how to build a simple electro-mechanic system that can free you from regular fuel. For...
How to Build Your Own Water Car at Home
In July 2005, an American mechanic released most of the details of his simple conversion system which allows an ordinary car to use water...
Engine Powered By Hydrogen Electrolyzer
Here's another guy that succeeded in making an engine run on water. He made several hydrogen electrolyzers and connected them in parallel. The gas...
Daniel Dingel’s Working Water Powered Car
This is a REAL car working with REAL water... through electrolysis. It seems that the re-mix of hydrogen and oxygen actually produces more energy than it takes to split them! Daniel Dingel from Philippines has made 100 motors work on water and wants to spread them to the world, so any country can reverse engineer it and make something better off it. It's really amazing how we were taught since kids that water only kills fire... not always!