SMES: New Energy Storing Technology by ABB Using Electromagnetic Fields and Superconductivity

ABB, a Swiss-based engineering company, has presented a prototype of their innovative superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), at a DOE ARPA-E conference which took place in Washigton D.C. at the beginning of this month. Their 3.3 kWh proof-of-concept SMES is not very cost-effective for the moment, but may one day provide cleaner storage solutions for excess alternative energy.

MERS Device Harnesses Residual Magnetic Power Produced by Electrical Current

After an experiment performed at a military hotel in Tokyo, the system called Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch (MERS) racked up a peak power savings of 39 percent. Now, researchers want that MERS to be implemented in the entire facility by next year, including the printing room, offices, gym, laundry and a break room.

Berkeley Researchers Advance In Studying How Magnets Can Be Used in Fridges

According to the researchers, in the future, our refrigerators could use magnets to keep the food cold. Besides the fact that one such refrigerator uses less power and runs quieter than a conventional fridge, it wouldn't contain any hydrofluorocarbons (HCF), gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Muammer Yildiz Magnetic Motor at Delft University, Netherlands

An inventor from Turkey, Muammer Yildiz, as and report, has just demonstrated his own version of a magnetic motor at the University of Delft, in the Netherlands, in front of an audience made of university staff and students. His device ran for more than 10 minutes, rotating a fan. The wind speed was measured and it has been concluded that the power of Yildiz's magnetic motor is about 250 W.

The Large Hadron Collider Could Help Find Magnetic Monopoles

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN could change physics the way we know it. James Pinfond, from the University of Alberta, made a theory according to which magnetic monopoles could exist - unleashing the way for new kinds of energy.

Spanish Researchers Discover How Graphite Can Become Magnetic

A team of physicists from the Autonomous University along with Francisco Guinea from the Institute of Materials Science from Madrid, Spain, have discovered that by removing individual atoms from a graphite surface, local magnetic moments can be created in the graphite.

Newly Discovered Magnetic Material 18% Stronger Than Any Other Known Magnet

Jian-Ping Wang, a materials physicist from the University of Minnesota in Twin Cities, and his colleagues have produced a material that is 18% more magnetic than the most magnetic material known to this day. They have been able to produce a combination of eight parts iron, one part nitrogen. The resulted material has the formula Fe16N2 and its extremely high magnetism lies in its complicated crystalline structure.

Magnetic Pendulum: A Free Energy Device Running for Three Years Now

This is another free energy device using magnets taken from The inventor is George Delk, who allegedly runs this device for three years now.

Free Energy Magnetic Motor: Alsetalokin’s Version Filmed Working

Many have tried to build magnetic motors, but it's difficult, and the difficulty comes from the fact that you somehow have to isolate and beam the magnetic field into only one direction. Here is another experimenter that uses rotating magnets on the stator, that if aligned properly to a certain pattern that he tries to find every time the motor starts.

Magnetic Power Used to Cut Steel in New Industrial Technology

Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU in Chemnitz, Germany, are working on a project that will change the way automobile manufacturers and steel industry make holes in the metal they are processing.