Africa Will Soon Lead the World in Sustainable Agriculture

At the Africa Green Revolution Forum recently held in Rwanda, leaders from government, business, civil society, and farmers discussed ways to advance resilient and...

Fishing Ban Possible in International Waters to Save Biodiversity

The Earth’s oceans have been over-fished, leading to decreased biodiversity, with current practices being unsustainable. Fish populations have been shown to rebound quickly following well...

Pheromone-Based Pest Control Could Be the Wonderful Future of Agriculture

Conventional insecticides are extremely harmful to the farmer, pollinating insects, and consumers ( residue on fruits and vegetables). Therefore, the world is looking for...

New Class of Eco-Friendly Herbicide Discovered in Fungal Genome

As weeds continue to develop herbicide-resistance, it is becoming increasingly important to find alternatives to combat these pests. In a new study, a team...

Bugs Production Revs Up as Alternative Protein Source for Fish, Chicken, Pets

THE PROBLEM: PROTEIN SOURCE SHORTAGE As people become financially capable, their food preferences shift from more plant-based to more of animal-based. With the world’s booming...

Adding Crushed Silicates while Farming may Lower CO2 in Atmosphere

From an industrial standpoint, applying the strategy that provides the overall best results for a determined production process, after proving itself through time, is...

80 Percent of Food Traders Fail in Saving Bees and Consumers’ Health from Pesticides

Last month, it was reported that “roboBees”, which can actually pollinate artificially, have been developed by Japanese researchers. The motivation for this effort is...

These RoboBees from Japan Can Legitimately Pollinate the Earth

With natural bees being reported as dying at an unprecedented rate, researchers have come up with the idea of developing “RoboBees” or bee-like drones...

The Only Country on Earth That Uses Resources Sustainably

A recent study conducted by a bunch of 'University Types' from the University of Leeds found that Vietnam is the only country on earth...

Spiders consume an astonishing 800 million tons of insects per year

It is a huge biomass compared to what humans run through in fish and meat per year, a mere 400 tons, or half the...