Foodfully – How to Reduce Food Waste with a Smartphone

Food waste can leave a pretty big carbon footprint. The farther the food had to travel to get to your fridge, the bigger the...

Do Fruit and Vegg Taste Better in Europe?

Is it true that Europeans get better tasting fruits and vegetables than the Americans? According to science, yes. Initially, I was a bit hesitant to...

4 Ways Local Agriculture Can Benefit from Environmental Management

Environmental management is the conscious effort to reduce strain on our world caused by man. Humans produce waste, build large buildings, and consume a...

The Only Country on Earth That Uses Resources Sustainably

A recent study conducted by a bunch of 'University Types' from the University of Leeds found that Vietnam is the only country on earth...

Mobile app tracking down toxic additives in food and cosmetics

No matter how meticulously you may be reading product labels at the supermarket, can you be sure that you are updated on complicated code...

Australian Wine Industry Devastated by Climate Change

Australia is experiencing climate extremes in the Eastern and Western agricultural regions making vineyard owners very nervous. Eastern Australia, one of the countries longstanding regions...

3 Tips for Picking the Best Fish to Eat

Overfishing and pollution caused by the fishing industry have made it almost impossible to enjoy a salmon filet without feelings of guilt. However, the undeniable health benefits of eating...

Coca Cola Signs Deal to Use Captured CO2

Coca Cola will be using carbon dioxide captured from the atmosphere in their fizzy mineral water. Carbon capture has been a quite hot topic in...

Spiders consume an astonishing 800 million tons of insects per year

It is a huge biomass compared to what humans run through in fish and meat per year, a mere 400 tons, or half the...

Chemical Company Fights Ban on Its Pesticide Connected to Crop Damage

After being linked to the damage of soybean and other crops throughout the US farm belt, the herbicide dicamba is prohibited to be sprayed...