Green Jobs Could Impact Economy Negatively, Danish Economist Says

It looks like the "green" economy is a bit more complicated than we'd think at a first sight - at least that's what Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish He who wrote the book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" in 1998 told Reuters recently. He argues that jobs in the newly-invented field of green energies could have negative consequences over some other parts of the economy, and that this is only due to the over-optimistic expectations of a fast shift from petrol to renewables.

France Invests Ten Billion Euros In Their First Offshore Wind Project

The aim is to build 600 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 3,000 megawatts, said French President Nicolas Sarkozy. He did not specify where these plants will be located.

China's Ambitious Plan To Increase Renewable Energy To 500 GW By 2020

China has published an astonishing and ambitious plan for renewable energy increase for the next 10 years. The plan is to get not less than 500 GW of clean energy on the grid by 2020.

Californian Clean Energy Manufacturing Companies Benefit From Tax Deduction Starting This Year

Under the new tax policy that has passed this year in California (SB71), clean energy companies are awarded with tax deduction as an encouragement to the renewable energy sector development. The tax breaks take the form of sales and use of tax exemptions for businesses that benefit the environment.

India And The U.S. to Collaborate on Shale Gas and Clean Energy Project

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and the U.S. President, Barack Obama, announced that India and the United States have agreed to join forces on energy projects, among which shale gas and clean energy, on a press conference on Monday

Panasonic Invests $30M in Electric Car Manufacturer Tesla Motors

The biggest Japanese electronics maker, Panasonic, will acquire nearly a 2% stake in Tesla, at the price of $21.15 per share. Following the announcement of association with Tesla, the shares in Panasonic jumped 3.7% to 1,181 yen on Thursday.

New Report Claims 4.2% of U.S. Electricity Coming From Solar by 2020

According to a new report made by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, solar energy can provide 4.2% of U.S. power needs by 2020. This will become reality only if the U.S continues to make investments in the energy sector and decrease solar costs.

California Targeting 20% Of Energy From Renewable Resources By 2012

California took a significant step towards a green energy future last week when the California Air Resources Board set a new standard that 33% of the energy provided in the state come from clean sources by 2020.

Siemens Invests in India's Renewable Energy Sector

Siemens, one of the companies with a huge potential in the solar and wind business, infrastructure and industry solutions provider, began operations in the renewable energy field in India by creating an office in Vadodara.

NYU Professor Points Out Why Alternative Energy Production Doesn't Grow As Expected

There are scientists who are optimistic about the chances we have to heal the planet and reduce its warming, scientists who are definitely rejecting anything related to global warming, saying it doesn't exist, and scientists who are butt-kickers and telling the world what works and what doesn't. Martin Hoffert, from the University of New York, is one of the third kind, in my opinion.