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Better Catalytic Converters and More EV Charging Stations in Japan


anissanemploThe guys at Toyota, currently Japan’s best car manufacturer, are experimenting on reducing toxicity in car fumes, while trying to manage the incredible number of orders for their first hydrogen fuel-cell car. At the same time, Nissan, the country’s second best, is preparing to put up a big fight, betting on growing demand as infrastructure improves.

New technological developments bring Japan way ahead of everyone else in the field of clean transportation. Not only the country officially has more charging than petrol stations, but they also might drastically reduce toxic emissions from cars by revolutionizing the nature of catalytic converters.

Toyota and Nissan, the two of the greatest rivals in the world of affordable EVs, have made some incredible announcements this week that would make any green-lover extremely happy.

In the latest issue of the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, scientists from the Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc, in Japan, have published their breakthrough findings on improvements of catalytic converters. In their detailed article, the team explains how that crucial conversion of toxic emissions from exhausts into less harmful gases, can finally become much cheaper, and therefore allow better control on pollution from vehicles.

The aim is to eventually develop automotive catalytic converters, that hardly depend on expensive materials such as platinum, and that can be controlled through computational chemistry. The authors trust that such developments will result in next generation automotive converters, which are affordable and extremely effective.

At the same time, Nissan, currently Japan’s second best car manufacturer,  is approaching the market from a different point of view. They rely on boost of charging infrastructure, which should lead to growing demand for EVs. In fact, the automaker just announced the incredible statistics, showing that Japan has more EV charging stations than petrol station, and the difference is not small, it is over 6,000.

Now, the only thing left in front of all these EV manufacturing giants to make environmentalists completely happy, would be to take the statistics out of the island and reach the same numbers globally.

Image (c)  Nissan

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