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British Government Doubles Renewable Energy Incentives For Households


Solar Water Heating systemThe British government is expected to announce an increase in the one-off payments to help households  switch to renewable energy sources.

The measure will be taken as the implementation of governmental renewable heat incentive scheme (RHI) has been postponed until 2014. Initially scheduled to be launched this summer, RHI was supposed to stimulate people to low-carbon heat sources.

Greg Barker, the energy and climate change UK minister stated that the increase in payments will encourage and reward citizens, who are willing to invest in installing renewable energy technologies.

Since 2011, more than 10,000 people have taken advantage of the governmental grants.

The downside is that the additional payments will be given only to households that comply with the regulations under the government’s new flagship energy efficiency scheme. To find out whether a candidate is eligible, there is a need of initial investment from the household.

The additional grants from the government would make sense only to households that are off the gas grid. Therefore, it is important that people are aware of the benefits of renewable energy sources for improving household energy efficiency.

 image (c) David Cole, used with permission

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  1. LoneWolffe David Cole Thanks for your prompt attention – please continue to use image if you so desire (on this webpage only) with my compliments.


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