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British Gas Co. Creates Carbon Emissions Calculator


carbonfootprint-logoIf only there was a way for the average individual to keep track of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, as well as how the emissions are being reduced in nations and continents around the globe. Now there is.

“Carbon Emissions Around The World” is a calculator that displays emissions specific to each country.

It’s a simple, free way to view how climate change might be impacted by ongoing emissions and reduction attempts, thanks to the British Gas Co., home to the Centrica PC that created the guide. Another neat thing about the tool is that it covers how carbon dioxide emissions have changed over the past 12 years.

Some of the trends are troubling, while some are more comforting. China produces the most carbon emissions, 10,540.8 million tons. Its emissions have increased 298.7 percent since 1992, putting industrial growth under blame. The U.S. produces 16.7 tons per capita of carbon emissions while India produces 1.8 tons.

Contrary to beliefs, the smaller and rapidly developing nations have the largest increases in carbon emissions. This includes Equatorial Guinea, Maldives, Benin, Tuvalu, Vietnam, Timor-Leste, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Qatar.

Georgia experienced the largest drop of 68.55 percent in carbon emissions since 1992 compared to every country in the world. The expansion in its economy, including government supported energy-efficient measures, is probably the cause.

Europe places ahead of the game as well. The United Kingdom experienced a decrease in carbon emissions by 27.76 percent since 1992. Other countries have seen reductions in carbon emissions as well, including Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Tajikistan, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, and Romania.

In the last two decades, unfortunately the U.S. saw an increase in its carbon emissions by 6.15 percent. With more awareness brought to carbon emissions, its hopeful that countries will feel more pressured to reduce carbon dioxide production.

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  1. Ok that’s part of the equation now show the figures for sequestered carbon. Production is an important figure but doesn’t mean anything when taken out of context. While your doing that generate the figures for the natural carbon cycle and how it reacts to increased carbon emissions.

    Here’s my question if carbon emissions are so high why do we not see gigantic plants growing everywhere? Planetary history says when carbon levels increase so does plant life. Hmmmm something isn’t adding up.

    Here is another question, how many millions of tons of carbon has been sequestered through simple home construction? Remember every wood product, paper product, asphalt product, textile product, anything made from a plant represents sequestered carbon. These materials have been taken out of the natural carbon cycle because they are preserved.

    Yes carbon is on the rise but so is sequestration so you must have both figures if you are to prove there is an embalance present. If you simply represent only one half of the equation then you are peddeling what you believe and not actual fact. Lots of people will fall for a lie when presented as fact because it sounds true. Most people are just too lazy to do the research and prove the lie a lie.


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