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Bob Rohner – co-producer of Joseph Papp engine on GreenOptimistic.com


I got a comment yesterday from one of the “guys” who helped Josef Papp succeeding with his inert gas engine. It’s Bob Rohner, who also has a website: rohnermachine.com. He said:

“To set the record straight, I built all the engines seen in any videos, not Sabori. Your article is a fine introduction to the Papp engine. If your viewers wish to discover more they should come on over to www.rohnermachine.com to see and read much more about the concept. By the way – blast refers to a thermodynamic process – with sealed cylinders, the driving force could not have been Heat.

Bob Rohner”

It’s an honor to have someone from the core of the discovery to post on my site. You can also view Bob Rohner’s work on his website.

I also found among the many documents from Bob’s place a PDF which I will reproduce here (if Bob doesn’t mind), talking about the importance of Josef Papp’s invention:

“Infinite Energy 52: 57-58 (2003)
“The Papp Energy System”
By Don Rosen, CEO, Environetics, Inc.
The Papp engine will undoubtedly be recorded as one of the most significant breakthroughs of this century. With scientists now alerted to the inexorable forces of air pollution, irreversible atmospheric free oxygen despoliation and the toxic effects of carbon oxides, a frantic quest is underway to find an abundant, cheap substitute for fossil fuels. Billions of dollars have been spent to research and develop solutions to these pressing worldwide problems. It is now widely held that the potential toll in human life and suffering, resulting from these crises, rivals and indeed surpasses the imminent problems of overpopulation facing the sociologists.
It is providential that the Papp energy system concepts were conceived and developed by an individual rather than by the team effort of a government or industrial giant whose unlimited funds and personnel have begun to conquer space.
Team efforts in many fields of technology, working together in synergical concept for a common goal, have advanced the “state of the art” in the fastest possible time. However, the “goal” must first be defined and the sphere of activity uniformly investigated with proper deployment of the investigative effort. This manifests a logical process of deductive reasoning. It has proved a most efficient system of inquiring into known fields of endeavor.
It is fact that most radical discoveries of significant magnitude are the result of individual encounter, acting independently of the group effort. It may be an accidental confrontation of an individual with a phenomenon of nature, or a true meeting expectant of psychological receptiveness and a truth exposed. The occurrence of these exigencies are too infrequent to ponder. When revolutionary discoveries such as the Papp engine are reviewed with pragmatic acceptance by visionaries, then the groundwork is laid for the development of a new tool, potentially useful to mankind in his unending quest to master his environment. E=MC2 is an equation familiar to most schoolboys. It was one of the mathematical concepts which led to the birth of a new awesome force in nature, which if unleashed could have tragic effects on civilization. This is atomic fission energy, an energy that is difficult to control and make available in small quantities. It creates dangerous radioactivity.
Scientists now theorize that thermonuclear fusion is much more powerful and yields much less toxic radiation that the fission process (e.g., the “clean” H-bomb).
Joseph Papp has developed a practical, workable system to blend fusion energy in small quantum, with laser principals of light forces and thus harness the energy resultant in an engine device wherein the power pulses are cycled with the precision required to transform the power of the atom to direct mechanical energy bypassing the parameters of
the thermodynamic cycle governing the function of the heat engine now extant. This is plasma physics. Papp reaches beyond abstract theory to the reality of an engine 100 years in advance of its time — yet it is not too soon.
A principle of the Papp engine is basic and simple: A hermetic gas chamber is created by the telescopic fitting of two cylindrical units each open at one end, when fitted one over the other to permit extension and retraction of the unit under the cycling pulses of a varying gas pressure confined within the chamber. The gases are estimated to have a life cycle of 6,000 hours operation time, with Papp guaranteeing 1,000 hours. The gases, which are relatively inexpensive, abundant and harmless, are charged into the piston chambers and subjected to controlled electrical pulse and radiation effects, thereby expanding with great force, then contracting, on signal, ready to repeat the cycle for the life of the system.
Since the atomic engine is not aspirated and yields no exhaust it may be operated submerged in water, or in the far reaches of space uniquely unaffected by its extraneous environment. Because the atomic energy released is limitless, the horsepower attainable is boundless. For example, a 4-cylinder 2-cylce engine so constructed with a total of 20 cubic inches displacement will yield 400 hp and up, as desired.
We suggest the Papp engine does presage a new era of work performance capability and ushers in a new field for scientific investigation.”

If Bob will want to help us, we will come with more detailed schematics and instructions on how to step-by-step build such an engine.

The energy belongs to the people and its ways shouldn’t be hidden from anyone. The energy should be free, if it comes for free.

Update June 13, 2009: Here‘s an interesting 1989 article about Joseph Papp and his engine.

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  1. Dr. Dr. John of MIT fame.

    Your education and your resume is in fact public record. Even more so since it appeared on your resumes and your funding web sites. It is entirely relevant to whether you are a fraud or not? How can you expect anyone to believe you if you can’t even verify your credentials?

    Now you are saying that:

    Dr. Haik Biglari, P.E. Sr. Director of Engineering Fairchild Controls E-Mail: [email protected]

    who you didn’t work with, but for, had no rights as an employer to your resume and had no knowledge of your PhD. Wonder why he made the statement that you are uneducated. I will forward your response to him and see if he is in fact the liar you indicate. Those are serious charges to make against a well respected P.E.

    John states:(( As for misrepresenting myself to solicit funds never have and never will and that is also different than you.))

    Are you or are you not Dr. John Rohner PhD from MIT ?? Are you or are you not a fraud ?? Is your partner and the MIT registrar both mistaken ??

    Everyone is waiting Dr. John. Answer the Question – how hard can it be??

    Please post all that you believe is fraudulent about me on your http://www.rjrohner.com/ site for all to see. Once again this is nothing more that unsubstantiated gibberish. Bob Rohner is so squeaky clean and honest as to being somewhat boring. Why you have a web site with my name on it is interesting. Are you trying
    to steal my reputation to promote your funding solicitation.

  2. jeez little brother
    No one is interested in you garbage mouth. My answer then and now is simple \"you have no need to know and I have no need to answer\" simple as that.
    And yes, at that time, Haik did not know because it is not something he \"needed to know\" when we worked together. I had proven what I could do and knew and it was all that was needed.

    My answer to you will always be as above. I have no plans to provide a known defrauder with any information about anything not PUBLIC record. And You are a KNOWN FRAUD.

    This question has been asked and answered many times and it will remain so.

    I really have already questioned your credentials and I know you for exactly what you are. I just don\’t know what to call someone that defrauds and steals from his own family and others and Public record proves this. Would you like me to publish this? Well maybe you should watch http://www.rjrohner.com then. I\’ll post your life in Public documents, soon if you like.

    Now Cut the crap it is not Germain to the subject here.
    These people don\’t care about your harassing me, they are looking for substance.

    Maybe you can post all about how the motor runs and why.

    What your Fuel mixture is and why.

    A diagram of the mechanical motor and what things do and why.

    How you get \"ignition\" and why?

    What happens with the magnetic coils and why?

    What the duration of the event is and why?

    All of this information you say you know. PROVE IT!

    The motor hardware is public domain. Everyone has read the patents. Hell, if my patents were complete I would describe this and more and you have nothing to protect since I hold the patents, pending etc.

    Tell these folks something real IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING.
    My guess is you are pure BS and have no clue.
    That would be typical of you and your Credentials.
    Come on little Brother tell us something of interest!!!!!!!!

  3. As for misrepresenting myself to solicit funds never have and never will and that is also different than you.

    Interesting comment,John. You managed to misdirect in a hundred ways without answering the one simple question that has been asked repeatedly.

    Are you or are you not Dr. John Rohner PhD from MIT ?? Are you or are you not a fraud ?? Is your partner and the MIT registrar both mistaken ??

    This does not take a thousand words to reply to. Some simple Yes and No’s would suffice. You surely cannot be ashamed of a PhD from one of the most prestigious schools in the world.

    Feel free to Question any of my credentuals, Dr. John?? I am what I say.

  4. Bob your \"beating a Dead Horse\".
    After verifying with my Corp, Copyright, Patent lawyers and all who have copies of the various patents, provisional and other, I could verify you have none.
    But it did look somehow familiar. So I checked my archives. There I found a document, in process, that is close to what you put up. It was a start to a patent that was done while I was trying to get you to file it, over a year ago. It was never published and you were never given a copy as you made it clear that you \"owned the technology\" and only you and your cohorts in WA and CA could possibly know anything about it and I was to dumb to work with you to complete it. So I did not.
    As I said it was never published so how you got a copy is a mystery. You would have had to steal it from my server, or maybe from my trash if I printed it.
    One thing is clear from your own words is that somehow you have it and that means you stole it. So, I guess you answered who stole what from who. You have admitted you stole this.
    Does make me wonder how much else you have stolen from me. But you like stealing from your brother, money or, now, IP.
    Luckily that was a draft document and mostly Boiler plate. At the time I did not know that you had not even copyrighted anything properly. But that will be seen as we go through the courts.
    So Thank you for explaining that you stole it.

    As for misrepresenting myself to solicit funds never have and never will and that is also different than you.

    As to answering any of your questions I again state that You have No \"need to know\" about anything. You are not a member of the group simply an antagonist blow hard whose wife owns everything.

    I purchased this house with my own funds, paid cash for it. Unlike you I do not need to spend investors money. I luckily transferred my funds before the meltdown into safer havens. I don\’t owe thousands of dollars in past due property taxes as you and your wife do, opps sorry she owns everything so I guess she owes that too.
    Most of the money spent on this project was mine. I own all the Computers, software etc. and have them leased back. A Proper Business tax thing.
    Now we have partnered with a large Multinational company for production since that will cost roughly 10 million dollars to create and get running. Also NOT Public, sorry.
    We also have a co developer company in Canada as design verification etc. for the Canadian Generation market. Also NOT Public, sorry.
    We actually thought about Buying your building but decided the cost to replace, or make, a new roof, clean up and repair that old building, and pay the 98,000 dollar tax bill was too expensive. I notice the county felt that way too.
    We have a set plan to bring our motors to production. The first 1000 are spoken for to run water pumping and generators in underdeveloped countries. These are our test sites. After that and with some motors in stock, our Licensees up to speed and proper certification by \"experts\", we will announce them.
    We are not in a hurry as we have the technology protected by either patents in process, or in peer review in the USPTO or patent pending. We have filed Proper Copyrights for those things needed. In other words we have performed our job to professional and properly managed standards that are good for the long term.
    So we will do as we wish, no matter your BS.
    You have been harassing me and Haik since last December, Like a mad dog, trying to get us to \"Give It To Me and I\’ll stop\".
    We, the companies, have been allowing professionals to test and verify and proof read our patents while fending off the \"Mad dog\" as you are known to us in the group.
    Lets face it Bob until we filed our papers and Offered you a place in the group, which you turned down, you had the motor you say will now run sitting in the shop collecting rust. Then, all of a sudden, you start working on it. It is nice you could get serious after so many years collecting other peoples Money for doing nothing. I could presume that since you had no money the Nice new pick up comes from there too But that is not my concern nor do I care. Any personal or family issue, like your frauds, will be taken care of at the proper time within the court of the proper authority.
    Simply put \"say anything you like\" and \"ask anything you ant\" Rave on. We don\’t care we are used to it.
    We have made our first \"verify point\" per our business plan and we are well underway toward the second so what you think is really not a consideration.
    The type of management we have will make us successful and your type will, as it always has, lead to another bankruptcy or failure, that is your history.
    Oh, by the way, the term \"internal explosion engine\" was a part of the failed patent that I was using as a template and like \"Pulsed Plasma\", the CEI money maker term, has nothing to do with how the motor operates as you will know when you do read our patents. I wonder if providing you a copy of the foreign patents, already in place, would help you. OPPS, I Forgot you and only you can possibly know that.
    So Cut the frivolous BS on this poor mans site. All anyone wants to see is your video, if it is even real. Anything else you have to say is your problem not the rest of the worlds.
    STFU I think is the proper term.
    I also checked with the Federal and State AG, my lawyers and other interested parties and their advise was that you need to prove what you say and sue me for something. They don\’t know what since I have done everything right. But you have made many allegations, since December, and never followed with the truth in court. So please either sue me or shut up. I have nothing to gain suing you. You have no money except your wife\’s salary
    and own nothing or maybe some investor has relined your pocket.
    You had to cheat me out of $100,000 (about) just so your daughter could have a home.
    Now please just get on with your plan. The harassment has backfired and we stayed on Business.
    You have shown the world who and what you are.
    We get it!!!!

  5. Web Content Copyright 1998 – 2009 by John Rohner
    This document maintained by Dr.John P Rohner PhD.

    Let’s see if you can’t answer one simple question. Are you or are you not Dr. John Rohner PhD from MIT. Are you or are you not a fraud. Is your partner and the MIT registrar both mistaken.

    It’s good to know you bought a new home with your investors money but who cares. What does this have to do with anything?

    Please Doctor Doctor Doctor John of MIT fame. Answer a simple question with a yes or no. Are you a fraud or not????????????
    Be careful. It is a felony to misrepresent yourself when soliciting funds.

    Please do come back on the 17th. Surely you can show us something concrete by then. You must have a prototype nearing completion in your 100,000 square foot facility. Can’t we see a couple photos? A picture or two of your large coils and capacitors would not be revealing any secrets would it? Maybe a photo of the construction site? How about the castings, you said they were being poured back in January?

  6. Wow… Good guess but not true.
    FYI there are several “Provisional Patents” in place and none have these terms or pictures.
    And since you could not prove ownership of ANY copyright to ANYTHING there is also nothing that would stop ANYONE from using any picture or Video from your site before you finally got smart enough to copyright the site. Something you will find out soon enough.
    But it is common knowledge that, and I said this on my site, I consider the Papp head replacements as not Motors, and your running mechanical design as phase 1 and your replacement of a true controller with Relays as a phase 2, and faulted, design since not one ever worked. and our motor as a new design that replaces all these old designs.
    I am quite happy that you do not have, nor need to know, what our patent status really is, as of this moment. If you did then you would use it as you have everything that you and CEI have scammed to get.
    As I said Bob our patents, pending, international and otherwise, are not your concern.
    You have the oldest form of the technology and a design in PUBLIC domain. Make it work, with all your knowledge after 2o plus years and millions of bucks in your pocket.
    That is fine with me. As a matter of fact I cheer you on.
    It will be interesting if it can compete with new design hardware that is patented and coming out of a manufacturing plant and develops more power at lighter weight and such.
    I am not worried. You have no clue what we have in our arsenal to protect our technology that we could not have stolen from you because you have no Idea how and why it works.
    So cut the BS Little Brother.
    No one is impressed on our side at all. We will follow our plan to manufacture and release and you do what you want. After millions of bucks and over 20 years you should know something, NOT.
    Oh and little Brother I am so happy in my new home, paid cash for, and knowing I can use the videos, you originally supplied me without written copyright notice, as I wish. So you are up zip. and soon that will become a negative but that is for the courts to decide. Cut the BS and Lies. As the man says put up on
    your promise. Our introduction plan is far different from yours.
    But we are not worried about being the ONLY manufacturer of the motor and that licensing, to other motor manufacturers, requires different plans.
    You have promised a show on the 17th, certified not fake, so I await it. I wish you luck. with millions spent, and in your pocket, and the “original” hardware I and the world will be impressed.
    It is also interesting that you state these motors of yours are “Dry” sump. I recall you published that the “funny” background noise was the oil pump. Interesting definition of “DRY”, meaning NO OIL, sump. do you even read the garbage you write.
    In any case Bob we will see what “fantasy” comes next. IF you get it running I will be very happy for you. You finally caught up.
    After all your scams you got challenged and did something that you should have done over 20 years ago. Wonder how all those people that put in those millions must feel that it took being challenged to get you to do something with their money. But that is up to those you fleeced and you.
    I will be back on the 17th just to see if you are real, as will everyone. I wish our plan would allow me to do something but.. in time. Go get em Little Brother.

  7. Dear Bob,

    I have been very specific to John about fixing the site. I have even told him that I do not want to defame dead people such as Papp let alone people who are alive and corporations. I have warned him about the consequences.

    I have said this time and again that your relationship with your brother is very important to me. This is very personal for me because as I was growing up, my father had disagreements with my uncle and it had profound impact on me and that emmotional hurt is still with me.

    In regards to John\’s credentials, he used to work for me and I know he does not have a Ph.D. However, I remain respectful of him and his achievements regardless of his formal education. He has corrected that one error in the site.

    In regards to the patent, we have spent a fair amount of time together to make it happen. That is not of major concern, what I am more interested is to see that the relationship between you two brothers improve soon, because, that has more value to me than all the patents in the world combined.

    —– Original Message —–
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: resignation and consideration
    Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 16:55:58 EST


    (( I guess you\’re calling Haik a liar. John are you or are you not a fraud – do I need to present more proof. MIT and Haik ))

    (( I\’ll skip posting the entire provisional patent for now – how about this for proof Dr. Honest John. Most of the patent is plagiarized word for word from our documents so I\’m not excited about releasing it at any rate. Fortunately John jumped the gun before he had all our data and it\’s basically incorrect. ))

    Note: some pictures of the actual running motor and test motor and test built are included to help illustrate how the motor and controller combination as used.

    Figure 1 – is a Picture of an internal explosion engine which was built and tested as shown. This is the test motor for this invention. (( John shows in his patent, the original engine Tom and I built for Joe Papp which he had no participation in and never saw operate. ))

    Figure 2 – is a Picture of the current Phase 2 Test Engine with the electro/mechanical controller.(( John shows one of our open test motors which Tom and I built a few years ago and are using to recreate the process. John had no involvement in the construction of these engines either. The dry sump design which he brags about were stolen from this design by the way. You will note also that the stroke and bore sizes which are not part of the Papp patent have been stolen.))

    Figure 3 – is a picture of the Phase 2 generation electro / mechanical controller in Closer detail.(( John shows a close op of our solid state switching setup built by Bob and Tom for the above test engine. It should be noted that the timing he references in this provisional application is not the same as Papp\’s but instead exactly matches our stolen data ))

    Figure 4 – is a picture of the Phase 2 Motor test and readout panel.(( John shows a close up of our push to test control box built by Bob and Tom for the above Test Motor ))

    Figure 5 – is a picture of a running motor on a dynamometer, it provided 107HP for several hours.(( John show a picture of Bob and Tom\’s original Papp engine running on an AW Tractor dyno purchased and mounted by Bob ))

    (( and so on and so forth. Be sure to note the misdirection by referring to the Phase 2 engine as something he created. So do you want more John – I never Bluff ))

  8. Bob

    You have kicked me around NOT.
    I have no interest in anything you think you have.
    IF you have a copy of the provisional yes please post it.
    As for what you said about Haik I just checked and that is, as usual, More BS.
    Enjoy your fantacy.
    Good Bye, little Brother.
    Quite your bluffing. You have nothing and I know it.
    As the man said. I already know that the motor works. And it is certified.
    So get on with your show. We are building a 100,00 sq ft Manufacturing facility right now and have funding.
    If you feel we have nothing then so be it.
    Go get them Little Brother
    Prove it. I am not the least worried as I own the technology.
    Have fun.
    Oh and sue me if you think I don’t have a patent pending or otherwise. You have no clue.

  9. Dr John of MIT fame (( Once again, is this a lie or not))

    I really wish you would tell everyone about your PhD from MIT and your close connections with the school. Should I post your resume for them to read or provide them with the phone number of the registrar.

    Your statement above says: “We have patented the Process, which we call “Plasmic Transition Process”, the Electronic Control system, the Motor and the Gaseous fuel.”

    Marking of an article as patented when it is not in fact patented is against the law and subjects the offender to a penalty. Some persons mark articles sold with the terms “Patent Applied For” or “Patent Pending.” These phrases have no legal effect, but only give information that an application for patent has been filed in the Patent and Trademark Office. The protection afforded by a patent does not start until the actual grant of the patent.

    You do not have a patent so you are lying. Anything else you have is worthless. With so many lies, why should anyone believe what you say about your provisional applications. We have only your word for it DR. Dr. Dr. John P Rohner. You should already know my patent attorney. He’s the same one who kicked you around for presenting photos and videos of my workmanship as your own.
    Should I post some examples. You didn’t hide them all Dr. John

    Although completely provable to the tune of me posting a $600,000 bond at the federal courthouse in Cedar Rapids to keep you out of jail, nowhere on the entire web do I mention your extensive criminal record. Why you bring it up is unknown. I would prefer to stick to the facts regarding the your fraudulent involvement in the Papp Engine project.

    Frankly, I’ve had copies of your provisional application since January. I have testimony from Dr. Haik Bigilari that your PhD is completely bogus. Should I post these items. I’ve had to kick you around twice already this year. Soon you will realize that I never bluff.

    As I told the readers you would, you have come back whining, crying, name calling, excuse making, and making attempted misdirection. Are you going to proove anything or not?

    • I don’t mind the two of you arguing on my site, as long as you keep the decency – after all, I’m not there with you, don’t know all of your conflicts and wouldn’t bet on any of you. 🙂 I guess it’s understandable. I only look for the truth – it doesn’t matter to me if it’s discovered by Bob or John. And it would be nice to have the truth revealed, and a working machine demonstrated in our times, because many think the entire invention is a fraud. Personally, I tend not to believe the non-believers and assume many credentials to whoever seems to be saying something rational about their invention – only time will tell if he is a fraud or not. Steal from one another, I don’t care, in fact these inventions aren’t really inventions, but merely discoveries of something that’s been in the universe probably for aeons. So, you’d better get together and cooperate, quitting the pride and accusations – I bet none of you are pure white, as any of us isn’t. So, make peace for the sake of free energy, that should not generate war. Have a nice day!
      P.S. by publicly accusing one another, you won’t get any more credibility, but instead everyone will look at your fight as at a game, and you’ll eventually lose anything you may have had.


  10. My My Lil brother How you continue to prove to the world your illiteracy.
    Well I am glad you finally admit you are a pathological liar.
    Historically you don’t even check what you say and certainly have no basis for it. So I agree with your comment about you.
    After all since I sent you a copy,
    I am sure, you have seen the receipt from the USPTO, that you DO know there is NOT Just one but several “Patents Pending” you actually stated the Date soi know you know about one of them.

    Again you make more allegations you know you can not prove or have no information about. I stand ready to see YOUR proof that I killed my wife, ever, or that I was ever charged with either Child abuse of wife abuse, or that YOU, and YOU wife, did not SCAM your own Brother out of Money, I have the canceled 36 Thousand dollar Check YOU signed on Property Your wife owns (since she owns everything) that you had to have or your property would go to foreclosure, YOU SAID. And when I filed for the patent, to protect the motor for us, and OFFERED you a Job you started shanking me and Harassing me and even a well respected Engineer who had nothing to do with you. AND YOU TURNED ME DOWN because ONLY YOU CAN DO IT, or your CEI nubs in WA and CA. So lets everyone feel sorry for you.
    And I am the liar.
    If you can find One statement that states that a Patent pending is PUBLIC the PLEASE POST The SITE URL for it. ANY Patent attorney, of which you know none, will tell you that a Patent becomes Public at a very specific time and that is NOT during the “pending” year. YOU SAY YOU CAN PROVE IT IS PUBLIC, DO IT.
    I am sure anyone ready this who is familiar, or smart enough to check, could tell you the same thing.

    No amount of your BS is going to get us to “GIVE” you our patents or even show them till we wish and they are processed.
    Plasmerg OWNS the technology and YOU don’t. So Cut the whining.
    it is getting redundant.

    As to your claim about the 17th. Well I do know you are very good with “Creating” video and Claiming these as yours.
    So I’ll believe it when I can have it verified by someone I know won’t lie like you do and they can take independent Video.
    Otherwise I am sure it will be a “creation” of yours.
    Good Luck.

  11. Dr John of MIT fame. (( Is this a lie of not ))

    I won\’t bandy words any more with you on this respectable web site. You can\’t win an argument with a pathological liar.

    I believe you have made my points for me nicely with all the smoke your blowing. Any intelligent person can see that you have not responded to anything except by misdirection. I can
    substantiate each and every claim made.

    For all your patent pending claims, you fail to realize that patent pendings are public. What can I say. Perhaps the other readers can search and find it, but I wouldn\’t hold my breath. Just another Dr. John lie??

    This is a simple notification that we, PlasmERG, Inc.,
    http://www.plasmerg.com, an Iowa Corp., have obtained “patent pending” acceptance on the plasma motor – lie lie lie lie lie
    no patent pending exists.

    We have patented the Process, which we call “Plasmic Transition Process”, the Electronic Control system, the Motor and the Gaseous fuel. – lie lie lie lie lie – no patents exists.

    Tell the people the truth John, you have excellent drawings made on stolen design software, simulations of operations based on the incomplete data you and Haik stole from us, and not one concrete piece of physical property to show. You have not, can not, and will not back up one claim of any type you have made.

    I will be back in six days with directions to view the Papp pulsed plasma process on video taken during the past week and
    verified to be accurate. John, John, can\’t you at least provide us with just one thing concrete in your own defense. Your rhetoric and unsubstantiated claims just don\’t cut it. Prove to us that your data is real. As is your style, I imagine you will whine and cry and call me names and provide a multitude of complex excuses and once again produce nothing.

    Bye for now all you readers. Be back on the 17th.

  12. One last comment, lil brother.
    You went out and bought the old motor that ran and Papp’s original fuel preparation device over a year ago.
    it sat collecting dust while you tried to find an “investor” to pay you for making it run. Several as I Recall.
    BUT until you learned of MY Patent you did nothing.
    NOW you have worked tirelessly, every day, on it and Now 6 months later you threaten to make it run.
    BUT YOU SAID YOU KNEW HOW and I stole that from you. So Why 6 months if you have the original equipment and KNOW how and even TOM’S help?

    Now as to your Peswiki info please see
    plasmerg.com, rohnerengineering.com or rohnermachine.us
    and see data that is REAL. Oh and not BS or contradictory also.
    Please Bob could you keep your stories straight.

    Thank you all

  13. An Answer to my \"lil\" Brother Robert.
    \"Where, oh where, is this patent pending? What is the number? What is the name? If it\’s a patent pending why is it not available for viewing? Why can\’t it be found by searching?\"
    What he fails to mention is that I DID provide him with the \"Receipt\" for this patent.
    If He knew anything about how patents work he would have answers to his other questions. But he has never bothered to learn this or apply for one.

    Next he shows his lack of ethics.
    \"Can they name some names? Can they verify all or any of this information?\"
    This, like any other data he talks about, he has no \"Reason to know\". There is no reason for any ethical Business to provide answers to any question unless the requester has some Vested interest in the data. It would be BAD ethics for anyone to provide data NOT public, or wished to be, to anyone without their permission.

    And who stole what?
    First, There was Nothing stolen from Robert as he has nothing to steal. Even the \"Copyright\" he says he owns on the Videos is Bogus.

    \"John Rohner and Haik Biglari make comparisons between their simulated engine system and the actual operational engines
    built by John\’s brothers.\"
    Second, I have always stated that the Operational Motor from 1982 was mechanically designed by Bob and electrically controlled by Tom.
    Bob provided specific information, and posted videos, taken by a third party, provided some more. This information was posted on his web page for all to see.
    I make no claim to that motor. THE REAL Fact is it was Papp, not Bob or Tom, that made it run. I kindly don\’t say that. Let\’s face it if BOB made the motor run, then why 20 odd years later do I have a patent pending and not him?

    \"Since the Papp patents were both misleading and incomplete and they claim to have learned nothing from the technology
    stolen from Bob and Tom, can they explain how they were able make these comparisons?\"
    Third, the Papp patents are available in public domain and yes they are in Pateneze but if you understand physics and how patents are written then they are decipherable.
    I did not have to rely on the patent descriptions except to verify what I knew of the process and that made the patent very readable.

    \"Can they explain how his proposed prototype magically turned out to be identical in bore, stroke, and power output to the original Rohner engine?\"
    Fourth, As any scientist knows when you do a new design and test of a previous process you follow the original model as closely as possible. So, I did. The test motor was designed to the same bore and stroke, and fuel mix, as the 1982 motor so we could compare to known published data. Nothing Magic there.

    You can not steal something non existent and Bob has spent 20 some odd years collecting money and getting zero results except money to live on, but that is history.

    As to using any of his Photos or videos I challenge anyone to find one on our sites. You WILL find NEW motors and data that he never had. This is simply another of his lies to anyone because he has nothing new to say. And any look at history of his, or CEI, history shows who scams who.. That is history.
    We have never solicited funds from anyone without full disclosures, and Non Disclosure agreements.
    FYI, we have partnered with a Multi National Corp for whatever money we need. Even that you will not be told about because it is not \"Public\".

    If Bob Understood the patent process he would know that the ONLY way to see out ending patents and any Patents i progress would be with a Non Disclosure Agreement in place and a \"working\" relationship with the company, which he has NONE. That\’s the RULES. Besides why would we have to tell him something that we STOLE from him. Sorry no cigar.

    I find it interesting that he relates to \"the Pulsed Plasma Process\" this is the CEI money raising description and has no place in reality. The process in NOT \"Pulsed Plasma\". BUT like the rest of his fantasy is ok.
    I do hope he comes back with Video of his Old engine, that he has been working on since last December, running and Provable.
    I wish him luck.

    Bob states:
    \"It is interesting that John likes to call us the money hole people while nowhere can you find a request on the web by either Tom or Bob for money.\"
    Bob forgets he is the Majority stockholder and on the Board of CEI and they do, and have, raised millions.. Which he pockets. Maybe I should post some of the \"Deals\" Bob was trying to do. Mostly illegal because he owns no rights to the technology are was making \"foreign\" Companies to sneak the technology out of the country. Sorry bob but that is also a fact, and documented, and shows just who you are.

    Bob why not tell everyone about the way you, and your wife Jan, cheated us out of the money we paid you on the house, or how you called me a wife beater, child molester and Killer in a email you sent to me, my wife and my attorney, yes folks my attorney, when you can not prove even one of these. That is \"Defamation of Character 101 but you do it all the time. We all know you and your wife for what you are.

    You spent months harassing me and Haik trying to do just one thing.
    \"Give me the patent and I\’ll quit\".
    So, I guess you understand that your rants did not work then,
    and you called have me every bad thing, and accused me of everything, you could dig up.
    I guess you understand how important our \"Patent\", even at this stage, is. Why else would you be making claims that you know are false, and in public now. I spent years trying to get you to patent your \"knowledge\" before I understood you had none to patent and that was why you did not.

    Any one who understands a modern patents would laugh at your questions. You, as an antagonist, have absolutely no need to know anything except that we have a \"comprehensive\" Patent pending and that it was written concise enough to FULLY support the Filings, when done. Much more than 3 pages and that is all you need to know.

    As to your challenge, I have no interest nor reason to bother with it. When the time is right we will do what is needed and until then we will do what we want. Sorry \’No sale\" you are not going to know anything until we feel the time is right, as we see it not some Nut working on a 1982 motor who has no idea why or how it works nor any wish to modernize it.
    I understand that you plan to sell your \"working\" motor. I do hope you let the Buyer know that You have no rights to the technology and that the patent owner is NOT you and you have nothing for them but a OLD Motor.
    I do hope it does better than the Steam piston video though.
    And, finally, we have made arrangements for a full testing of our motor, and its capabilities, by a third party technology group and until that is complete and our production facility is on line and our \"on site\" operational tests complete, per our partner, will not show anything.

    We OWN the TECHNOLOGY. So we will do what we want when we want.
    Meanwhile come up with something new this is OLD HAT.
    At Least we publish NEW stuff on OUR PAGES. NOT HISTORY.

  14. Skeptic, I will join your challenge also. John has absolutely nothing. I have read his patent and it is plagiarized garbage just like all his statements and web sites.

    To be fair and give him a chance, I will return to this web site in one week with instruction on where to go and see new actual “Pulsed Plasma” video in operation and producing work in my lab. I challenge John to do the same. After all he promised to have a fully operational prototype running in January.

    It is interesting that John likes to call us the money hole people while nowhere can you find a request on the web by either Tom or Bob for money. John on he other hand has at least twelve sites begging you to trust him and send all your money now. And thank God he is not affiliated with us.

    John Rohner lists himself on your site as well as all of his own, as Dr. John Rohner, PhD (since removed). On his resume he lists himself as having a BS and MS in EE from MIT class of 1962. MIT has never heard of him. So far we can’t find where he’s even a college graduate. Are we are to believe then that he is a programmer who became a world class physicist in just six months, without any formal training?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari references direct involvement and research interests by at least two universities, the DOD, the DOE, and the US Navy. They mention that PlasmicERG has two direct government grants. They claim the participation of research labs in the Fusion, Fission and Plasma fields. Can they name some names? Can they verify all or any of this information?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari make comparisons between their simulated engine system and the actual operational engines built by John’s brothers. Since the Papp patents were both misleading and incomplete and they claim to have learned nothing from the technology stolen from Bob and Tom, can they explain how they were able make these comparisons? Can they explain how his proposed prototype magically turned out to be identical in bore, stroke, and power output to the original Rohner engine?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari displays and references numerous photos and videos on their many sites that are actually copyrighted images of Bob and Tom’s work. Additionally, they do their best to make it appear as though this is their workmanship and toil. Do they have nothing of their own to display? Are they
    scamming others to fund what they don’t have?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari spend thousands of words without even a vague explanation of their system. Can we see something,anything? Can we see just a portion of one of their great simulations? Can they show us how they calculated
    the life and power output of their engine?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari rant and rave about their patent pending. What they have is a provisional patent application filed on November 19th, which anybody can buy on the web for $110 dollars. It takes less than a hour to file one of these.
    No claims are necessary and the content is never even viewed by the patent office. For all we know it could be about a windup toy. This should be a world class patent, ask them to name the patent firm they used?

    It appears that they have presented no compelling evidence of their achievements whatsoever (except the videos of someone else’s work). If they fake their resume as it appears that they have, (a serious offense when money’s involved) why should
    investors not believe they would fake everything else if there’s money to be made.Why would or should an investor be willing to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars on just their undocumented say so?

    It should be noted that John has raced through all 250 of his web pages and removed the Doctor and PHD from his name. Unfortunately he cannot do the same with the resume’s he has submitted.

    Anyway, enough bull. Are you and Haik up to the challenge Dr. John or will we just here some more feeble excuses

  15. Where, oh where, is this patent pending? What is the number? What is the name? If it’s a patent pending why is it not available for viewing? Why can’t it be found by searching?

    Where is the easy to build) prototype John promised to demonstrate in January? By the way any one can build a model airplane engine with three moving parts like you show on your web sites – but seriously, the world would be more interested in a true motive power engine. Designing Salt and Pepper shakers may be more in line with John’s abilities.

    John Rohner lists himself on your site as well as all of his own, as Dr. John Rohner, PhD (since removed). On his resume he lists himself as having a BS and MS in EE from MIT class of 1962. MIT has never heard of him. So far we can’t find where he’s even a college graduate. Are we are to believe then that he is a programmer who became a world class physicist in just six months, without any formal training?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari references direct involvement and research interests by at least two universities, the DOD, the DOE, and the US Navy. They mention that PlasmicERG has two direct government grants. They claim the participation of research labs in the Fusion, Fission and Plasma fields. Can they name some names? Can they verify all or any of this information?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari make comparisons between their simulated engine system and the actual operational engines built by John’s brothers. Since the Papp patents were both misleading and incomplete and they claim to have learned nothing from the technology stolen from Bob and Tom, can they explain how they were able make these comparisons? Can they explain how his proposed prototype magically turned out to be identical in bore, stroke, and power output to the original Rohner engine?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari displays and references numerous photos and videos on their many sites that are actually copyrighted images of Bob and Tom’s work. Additionally, they do their best to make it appear as though this is their workmanship and toil. Do they have nothing of their own to display? Are they scamming others to fund what they don’t have?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari spend thousands of words without even a vague explanation of their system. Can we see something,anything? Can we see just a portion of one of their great simulations? Can they show us how they calculated the life and power output of their engine?

    John Rohner and Haik Biglari rant and rave about their patent pending. What they have is a provisional patent application filed on November 19th, which anybody can buy on the web for $110 dollars. It takes less than a hour to file one of these. No claims are necessary and the content is never even viewed by the patent office. For all we know it could be about a windup toy. This should be a world class patent, ask them to name the patent firm they used?

    It appears that they have presented no compelling evidence of their achievements whatsoever (except the videos of someone else’s work). If they fake their resume as it appears that they have, (a serious offense when money’s involved) why should investors not believe they would fake everything else if there’s money to be made. Why would or should an investor be willing to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars on just their undocumented say so?

    ((It should be noted that John has raced through all 250 of his web pages and removed the Doctor and PHD from his name in an attempt to wiggle out of his fraud. Unfortunately he cannot do the same with the resume’s he has submitted.” ))

    I challenge John Rohner to put up or shut up. I will return to this web site in one week and direct the readers where to go to view the pulsed plasma process in operation and producing work.
    I challenge John and Haik to do the same. Please, no more lies and simulations, Disney can make better cartoons. Show us the real thing. One week should be easy.

  16. Dear Skeptic.

    I will take your challenge.
    As soon as we have the bugs worked out of our new Motor and a producible OEM ready motor to announce, soon, I would be happy to demonstrate it to whatever group you deem necessary to “validate” it.
    Since we hold the Patent pending on the Process, Fuel creation and Control for this, and will have Patents shortly, I am sure you understand that I can not go into hard details as to how it provides the results nor how it scales.
    What I will say is that it is simple enough that the Corp lawyer understands how it does work and that it is nothing like The “money hole” people, yes I feel that way about them too, know.
    One of the reasons we changed the name was simply because “Papp” is well know among people in science as a scam. The process works, the people that have been scamming it do not.
    The real problem in the last 20 years was having greedy folks who had no understanding of science trying to unwind something from a equally greedy inventor.
    You will notice that we are NOT affiliated with any of these people or companies that call this Pulsed Plasma (shows you how little they know as it certainly is not “Pulsed Plasma”).
    You will ALSO notice that PlasmERG is in the business to LICENSE the process to REAL motor makers not MAKE ALL MOTORS.
    We want to make the technology Broad Use not get rich.
    I will set up just this test and I’ll post the invite here.
    Thank You for the idea. John Rohner.

  17. Sorry for the typo above; it’s Sterling Allan not “Allen.”

    Yeah Stude! You’re a new energy lurker like me, trying to sniff out the next thing.

    Ever wonder about Blacklight Power. That web site is quite perplexing; “We have the answer to the world’s problems… but uh, we’re just going to leave it in the shop for now.” What’s up with that operation? Odd. That’s why these “Papp” guys should go get some “TechCred” via Sterling so they can get some funding support and get it to market.

    I’ll pony up some cash to push it along if this guy can “Stump Sterling”

  18. “My suggestion would be to have Sterling Allen and other members of the New Energy Congress witness a demonstration of the technology. If 3 or 4 NEC members, including astronaut Brian O’Leary, were sufficiently perplexed at its performance, it would provide an avenue of confidence for benefactors and investors, many of whom monitor that web site.”

    Excellent post. This would sure validate the project for many of us. We’ve been scammed so many times on these types of things that we do need to question there validity.

  19. Is this going to be another Orbo demo?

    Remember, oil companies and OPEC countries are seeding the new energy field with capital sink holes like the Orbo non-demo last year. These are craftily designed hoaxes intended to interfere with the provision of venture capital to the emerging energy technologies by scandalizing the subject of new energy and destroying capital.

    My suggestion would be to have Sterling Allen and other members of the New Energy Congress witness a demonstration of the technology. If 3 or 4 NEC members, including astronaut Brian O’Leary, were sufficiently perplexed at its performance, it would provide an avenue of confidence for benefactors and investors, many of whom monitor that web site.

    This approach allows the capacity of the technology to be demonstrated without the inventor having to reveal anything proprietary. NEC oriented investors and benefactors could rely on the abilty of the inventor to stump the evaluation team which would jump start monetary support and fund further confirmation through small grants initially and potentially leading to full funding.

    I sense frustration in the preceding posts. Basically, people have no reason to believe such claims. Jump on Google and hundreds of these “stories” can be found (e.g. Stanley Meyer’s water car, Tesla’s Pierce-Arrow, Joe Cell, etc.).

    People can’t believe something so incredible and witnessed first hand could not get funded, even through a circle of friends or family or an angel investor. It’s too hard to believe; therefore it must be a scam. That’s normal. The Wright Brothers flew around for years while most people considered the stories to be a hoax, and here these guys were actually flying.

    Since mainstream conventional science considers such new energy claims to be a hoax by definition, more open-minded avenues need to be pursued. Call Sterling and set up a demo. I for one will be watching.

  20. Hello everyone — NOTICE — NOTICE

    This is a simple notification that we, PlasmERG, Inc.,
    http://www.plasmerg.com, an Iowa Corp., have obtained “patent pending” acceptance on the plasma motor that replaces the internal combustion motor, directly, but without pollution, what you have been calling the “Papp engine” here, except without all of the Papp garbage and supposed “magic”.

    We have patented the Process, which we call “Plasmic Transition Process”, the Electronic Control system, the Motor and the Gaseous fuel.

    We are now licensing the manufacturing rights to motors, developed using our technology, to Motor manufacturers all over the US and outside. If you are a motor manufacturer of internal combustion engines the contact info is on our website. They are Cheaper to make and much more efficient, long times between repair and a whole new world for our world.

    This closes the BS and “Magic” associated with all the misdirection that was in the Papp patent, which has now long been defunct anyway.

    We will have test motors available for use by our licensees in May. If needed it could be sooner, but it is winter here.

    So, we now own this technology and want the world to know it.
    It is our hope that within 3 years it will be the motor of choice in any application from Cars and Trucks to personal home Generators, that never need interruption because of the auto refuel feature of the controller. Since it is non polluting and Quiet beside very inexpensive to operate AND uses NO petroleum or BIO fuel it will be a great planet saver as well.

    If you are approached by any shyster that says they own this technology feel free to contact the Patent Holder, us, to verify that they do or do not have a license from us to do anything. If they do not they can be cited for Fraud.
    We plan to be very diligent in protecting our property from the shysters that for years fed off the Papp patent band wagon and some who continued to say they owned the technology even when the Papp patent went void. Really un ethical to steal that way and some, Like California’s CEI did so well. FYI CEI does NOT nor will not ever have a license I won’t legitimize criminals and their history is very pervasive.

    So now you have the end of the Papp motor saga and the start of the “Plasma Transition Process” era.

    Thank You
    John Rohner

    ps I’ll get a note up when there is one that everyone can see and even touch. Our motors are much simpler and smaller than the clunky Papp was. I know because my brother, Bob, created the best of that group and the first of any movement toward a modern motor.

  21. Hi. I have quit calling the engine a Papp Engine. Quite honestly we know more about it today than he did in his time. But we have been “tinkering” with it for these years, without any funding.
    I will say this, in 1980 the world thought such an ebgine was nice but NBD, no big deal. My only thought is where would we be had someone had the brains to invest the money and finished the development. Papp may have been to self centered to know what he “should” do but once something this remarkable is actually working it seems strange to just pay no mind to it. Funny thing is, and I also saw it running, I get people that actually think it was some kind of scam. Well consider this. The engine you see running on http://www.rohnerengineering.com or rohnermachine is cranking out, on the dyno visible in the video, over 100 hp. Now people say it’s plugged into the wall. Consider the simple fact that a simple electric motor capable of over 100 HP is a BIG 3 PHASE Block of space. Actually about 1/2 bigger in shear mass than the engine. I was a skeptic too, but I could not find any way for an engine, turning over and developing that much power to be driven from anywhere within sight and certainly not hooked up. Beside that the engine temp did come up a couple degrees. I will tell you it is spooky to stand next to something that is not breathing or expelling air and watch it crank out power. Also if tou notice in one video there is an audible clack-clack. That was from Bob getting the oil pump too close to the crank and it getting smacked a bit on each rotation. If you listen to that you can hear it change as the RPM changes.
    My only thought right now is why is the world so dumb. I sent letters to my governor and all my senators, even tried to get hold of the guy from Virgin Airlines, who wants to put 2 billion into food4fuel, and asked each to find a way to get us a small grant so we could finish it. Well Sen. Grassley never did send a message back, everyone else did with a “talk to the xxxx agency. We can spend 400 billion on bailing out a bunch of companies that really failed. But there is no thought to something that could within 2 years make us TOTALY independent of oil. My son, who is a truck driver, would so love something that required a refueling for $15 every couple thousand hours instead of watching over $6 go into his fuel tank every 8 hours.
    To me it is criminal. I believe that the engione will be completed, I am redesigning the ECM now. once that happens we will have a TRUE green machine as it does not breath or expel air and the fuel does not create the garbage that we see from oil.. But Maybe I am just a dreamer. So far we have been getting more interest from places like Mexico and Israel, and Russia than here at home. It would be funny if the Oil folks funded it to completion and then really would own the world, or maybe the Islamics.
    Well have fun. If you have anything you need let me know.
    John Rohner


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