Let’s all combine forces to help the world’s first ever hybrid eco-friendly aircraft become a reality. A team of UK engineers hope to raise enough money through crowdfunding, in order to develop their near-silent, non-polluting, bio-electric triplane.
The Bio-Electric-Hybrid-Aircraft (BEHA) is a creation of a team from the engineering university at Cranfield, UK, and a number of various other British and American technology companies, which have combined efforts to establish FaradAir Aerospace venture. The aircraft is equipped with all green features that such machine could ever need. It runs on biofuel, it has solar panels skins on all flight surfaces and it has wind turbines, to enhance battery-charging capabilities, not only in the air, but also on the ground.
What makes BEHA completely different from all electric airplanes around, like Solar Impulse solar plane for example, is the size. Unlike all the others, BEHA has a tri-plane format, which replaces the need of the long wings. This advantage helps the hybrid-plane meet all regulations, and makes it possible to operate virtually anywhere. In addition, it is almost silent, and it passes all night flight and pollution restrictions. The only downside is that a single aircraft costs $1 million US.
BEHA is currently undergoing a fund raising campaign on Kickstarter and it is still quite far off from reaching the goal. The guys from FaradAir are not asking for much, so let’s just all give them a little boost. Here is their promo video. If everything goes according to plan, we might see the green machine in the air as early as in 2020.
Image (c) Faradair