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An Engine Fueled by Hydrogen Obtained from Water


Ex-President Bush has made a challenge to the American people to begin running cars on hydrogen as soon as possible, and has allocated over one billion dollars for research to find out how to do that.

In a suburb of Toronto, Canada, a small company called Rothman Technologies, Inc., has in fact discovered not one but two viable methods for breaking down ordinary water into hydrogen and oxygen. Neither method involves the need to spend a billion dollars. They are simple answers. The existing engines in our automobiles could work with these systems with very little alteration and no need for an external support infrastructure like the one now provided by gas stations, and which would be required by fuel-cell technology.

To understand how these water-fuel systems work, it helps to begin by realizing that ordinary water is actually a “battery” containing vast amounts of energy. Water is H2O – two parts hydrogen combined with one part oxygen. And, as President Bush says, hydrogen is an excellent fuel.

The amount of energy in the water molecule is thus vast, and has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of energy it takes to break down that molecule. This is an extremely important point, as so many people – even scientists – are unclear on this concept. And yet if we can find an economical means to break down the water molecule, our energy problems are over.

Instant Hydrogen Gas

The first process shown to us by Rothman Technologies uses water, salt, and an extremely inexpensive metal alloy. The gas that results from this process is pure hydrogen, a fuel that burns without the need for external oxygen – and gives off no pollution whatsoever.

The primary owner of Rothman Technologies is a man who holds about fifty Patents Pending on a variety of mechanical devices, chemical compounds, novelties, and fuels. But it is his invention for using a metal alloy to break down the water molecule that is of interest to us here.

In behalf of Spirit of Ma’at, I visited Rothman Technologies last February (2003) in order to witness first-hand what several people had told us was true: This company was running a 12-horsepower, gasoline-powered electrical generator using water as “fuel.” The generator was a gasoline combustion engine exactly like the one in your car.

gasoline engine running on waterThey admitted that the system was crude and would have to be improved. Nonetheless, they could and actually did show us a gasoline engine running on water (click on pictures for larger versions).

This engine was mounted on a lab bench in a garage area, with the door open for ventilation. On the floor were thirteen half-gallon containers linked together with tubes, all connected to a central, larger tube that ran directly to the carburetor of the motor.

containers with water and saltIn the containers was ordinary water plus an electrolyte (i.e., some type of salt).

When a piece of metal alloy was dropped into the electrolyte mixture, hydrogen instantly began to form at an amazing rate. The hydrogen gas traveled to a main tube, and from there straight to the carburetor. (See note.)

A company representative pulled a rope to start the motor, and after a couple of tries, the motor caught and continued running. We watched the motor run for twenty minutes or so (it was really cold, with the doors open in the Toronto January winter, so we decided that twenty minutes was enough “proof of concept”). This engine, using water and salt as the primary fuel, and metal alloy as a catalyst, was definitely running!

According to the company’s representative, this metal alloy is so inexpensive that an engine can run for four hours on a piece that would cost about half a cent (Canadian).

It is also noteworthy that, according to the man we spoke with, seawater could be used directly as the primary fuel, thus eliminating the need for added salt.

I was there with Michael Ballin, who works with Rolling Arts TV, a television channel in Los Angeles that supports the Antique, Hot Rod, and Racing Car industry and sees automobiles as an art form. So the video footage that you will be able to watch (see link at the end of this article) was shot by Michael for his company.

Another Amazing Breakthrough

Rothman Technologies, Inc., also has another method of converting water to fuel. It’s called electrolysis. This method breaks water down into Brown’s gas, which also is a perfect fuel for gasoline engines, and, with one exceptional change, it is similar to the method we featured in this webzine last year (see The Water Car, and Convert Your Car to Run on Water, plus my December 2002 update to both of these articles, Water Karma).

Why is Brown’s gas a better fuel than pure hydrogen? Here is our opinion.

The environment is experiencing tremendous problems at the moment, and one of the most serious of these is that we are losing our oxygen. The oxygen content of the air is becoming so low that it threatens our very existence in some areas. The normal oxygen content of our air is 21 percent. But in some places it is only a fraction of that! In Tokyo, Japan, for example, the oxygen content of the air has dipped to 6 or 7 percent. If it reaches 5 percent, people will begin to die. Tokyo has even put oxygen disbursement centers on its street corners, so that people can get emergency oxygen if they need it.

Eventually, if something is not done, this low-oxygen situation will affect each and every one of us.

Brown’s gas, created through an electrolytic process, actually may contribute oxygen to the air supply, rather than leaving it the same (as with fuel cells and pure hydrogen), or consuming it (as with fossil fuels). It is for this reason that we feel it will be the future technology of choice for running our vehicles.

Comparing the Technologies

To be complete, before we explain Rothman Technologies’ innovation in creating Brown’s gas from water, let’s look at all three types of hydrogen-fuel solutions – fuel cells, pure hydrogen, and Brown’s gas – and see how they work relative to oxygen production or consumption:

Fuel Cells: This method uses oxygen from the atmosphere to complete the burning of the hydrogen in the fuel cell. What comes out of the tail pipe is oxygen and water vapor, but the oxygen originally came from the atmosphere, not from the fuel. And so the use of fuel cells neither takes away nor contributes to the oxygen content of the air.

Hydrogen: This fuel is complete in itself. It does not need oxygen from the atmosphere to burn, which is an improvement over fossil fuels in saving the oxygen in our air supply. In fact, when hydrogen burns perfectly, nothing at all comes out of the tail pipe. If salt and metal alloy are used to create hydrogen, then there will be residues of that in the exhaust, but hydrogen fuel does not contribute oxygen to the atmosphere.

Brown’s gas: This is the most perfect fuel of all for running our vehicles. Like pure hydrogen, it is made from water, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen, but it burns in the combustion engine so that, depending on the setup, it may actually release oxygen into the atmosphere. In that case, what comes out of the tail pipe is oxygen and water vapor, just as with fuel cells; but the oxygen comes from the water that’s being used to create the Brown’s gas fuel. So burning Brown’s gas as fuel can add oxygen to the air and thus increase the oxygen content of our atmosphere.

Whenever we are burning Brown’s gas in our vehicles, we can be at the same time contributing to the solution of a very dangerous environmental problem.

From this point of view, Brown’s gas would be the ideal automotive fuel of the future.

A New Brown’s Gas Technology

The main problem with most of the Brown’s gas systems we have seen so far is that, although they work, they do not seem to generate enough hydrogen to supply a piston engine under normal road conditions. Rothman’s exceptional change has to do with the use of a special electrolysis technology.

In normal electrolytic processes, the electrolysis unit is just sitting in water, and it produces a specific amount of Brown’s gas.

But the Rothman Technologies invention involves an electrolysis unit that increases the Brown’s gas production by an order of magnitude. (For the scientists among our audience, you read that correctly: The Rothman Technologies system literally creates ten times more Brown’s gas than normal electrolysis systems do.)

Rothman electrolysis unitThe company found that in the type of specialized electrolysis they have invented, the Brown’s gas and the water are mixed together. A milky-white substances comes out the end of the Rothman electrolysis device and goes from there into a unit that separates the Brown’s gas from the water. The Brown’s gas travels to the motor to run the engine, and the water is then recycled back to the electrolysis device to be re-used.

This invention, on which Rothman Technologies, Inc., has a Patent Pending, is possibly the most important discovery that’s ever been made in electrolysis technology. Increasing the output of electrolysis by ten times finally gives sufficient breakdown of the water to Brown’s gas to actually run a normal car engine, and would seem to make electrolysis systems the method of choice for the future.

To the inventors among our readers

Now you know that it is absolutely possible, and not just a crazy fantasy, to run a car on water. You have watched the “proof of concept” and seen it for yourself.

And so, my friends, I now wish you luck in the world’s race to find a way to save ourselves from ourselves. Whoever finally produces the first viable watercar will solve our energy problems once and for all and will go down in history as a hero.

It could be you.

taken from http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/watercar/h20car2.htm

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  1. hi, i liked your article on rothman technologies. can you let me have their email address so that i can talk to them about their products.as i have been looking to use this hydroxy producing system on my diesel powered car but there are so many differing way to get there i am spoilt for choice
    ken wilks


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