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Are Your Allergies Worse? Blame Global Warming


“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” ~ Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1746

Cupertino, CAWhen most people think of Cupertino, California, they think of Apple. Few people know, however, that Cupertino is suffering terribly as the result of global warming. A full scale drought is happening in California, affecting farmers, merchants, and even the techie geeks in Silicon Valley.

Lack of rain leads to drought, and drought, contrary to popular belief, can lead to major levels of pollen and mold in the air, making those of us with allergies absolutely miserable.  Trust me, I know.

As summer nears, nearly 50 million US residents can blame global warming for quite a bit of their allergy trouble. Around 70% of the country is abnormally dry, with more than 50% dry enough to be called a drought. Weather conditions have a significant effect on the levels of pollen and mold in the air, which in turn affects the severity of allergy symptoms. The common allergens that cause hay fever (among a host of others) flourish when the weather is warm.

Experts believe that the warmer temperatures from climate change are causing pollen season to start up to four weeks earlier in the spring, thanks to the earlier thaw. And, not to be outdone, now fall can claim a ragweed season up to four weeks longer than usual.

Weather across the globe is being affected – meaning just because you change geographic location doesn’t mean your allergies get a respite.


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