Discount store Aldi’s stated objective is to create a healthier brand for consumers, being that the pesticides generate political concern over their usage.
Customers will know that several different pesticides will be removed, and for different reasons.
Thiamethoxam and Chlorpyrifos might pose an autoimmune disorder threat, for example, as it has been found to be loosely associated with such.
The pesticide Thiamethoxam has also been named as “moderately hazardous to humans” by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Neonicotinoid (an insecticide that is structurally similar to the natural insecticide nicotine) Cypermethrin presents an acute risk to honeybees. The other pesticides that will disappear from Ali’s product selection include Clothianidin, Deltamethrin, Fipronil, Imidacloprid, and Sulfoxaflor.
This move might be due to the rise of various environmental and health movements around the world. The anti-GMO movement concerns itself with pesticide usage and condemns the incorporation of these pesticides in agriculture.
This is despite the fact that the EU and the U.S. has not produced significant experimental evidence that indicates pesticide use is directly associated with health conditions.
Will banning pesticide usage create roadblocks to sustainable food sources? GMOs can be used to fight world hunger.
Until evidence supporting or rejecting specific pesticide usage comes out, it is likely that many grocery stores and food sources will follow organic movements. It is in best interest of many food stores to do so, out of concern for the possibility of less profit.
Aldi claims it will also add more organic brands to its selection and gluten-free options. Catering to health concerns, the store does not use synthetic colors, partially hydrogenated oils, and MSG from certain products.
The store has started moving away from products with artificial growth hormones in the meat and dairy such as yogurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese.