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Alcoa Launches Self-Cleaning Aluminum Panel for Commercial Buildings


We often wonder what it would be like if things would get done by themselves instead of us having to do tiresome chores. Like cleaning the windows, for example: doesn’t our work get ruined by rain/dust and we have to do it all over again?

Today, thanks to Reynobond with Eco Clean we can skip unneccessary work: this coil-coated architectural panel cleans itself and the air around it. If you can’t believe your eyes, just check it out on May 12 at the AIA 2011 National Convention and Design Exposition in New Orleans.

The product has been put together like this: researchers took one piece of a pre-painted aluminum surface of Reynobond and covered it in a titanium dioxide coating they called EcoClean. So what Reynobond with EcoClean actually does is contribute to the disintegration of dirt, smog, diesel fumes and other polluting factors that get attached to a building’s exterior.

Still a crucial factor in this process is sunlight, without which the aluminum panel could not complete its job. In the end, rainwater comes down to finish the task and wash away the waste. This is why Reynobond with Eco Clean has earned its name of a natural cleaning product.

The surprising performance has been made available by Alcoa and the Japanese manufacturer TOTO. When you hear about its capabilities, you immediately think about all the time, energy and mostly money that this product saves.

That becomes even more obvious when we think about 80 billion square feet of commercial building fai§ades eating up 20% of U.S. energy consumption in 2010. If 10,000 square feet of Reynobond with Eco Clean matches the cleansing power of 80 trees, then the product is a big help to nature.

[via BusinessWire]

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