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Air Pollution Now Better Controlled Through “Biomimicry”


air-pollution.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smartVolatility is the property of perfumes or other substances to evaporate easily and give fragrances.  In many cases these fragrances are harmless, however factories should always be equipped with appropriate filters to ensure that the aroma does not turn into overwhelmed odor.

The pollutants that must be controlled are the so called “volatile organic carbons.” These move fast and in order to capture them, factories require careful monitoring through processes such as oxidation and adsorption. Both of these processes, however, are expensive and labor-intensive. Some companies have looked into using bio-reactors, but these also have various limitations.

Matthew Johnson from University of Copenhagen developed a technique, called “biomimicry.” Inspired by the self-cleaning mechanism of the atmosphere, he developed a new air pollution controlling technology.

Together with his investment partner INFUSE, Johnson established the so-called “atmospheric photochemical accelerator,” which is placed on five aluminium boxes and located near the source of pollution.  It does not require filters and uses surprisingly little amounts of energy.

The technology is particularly welcomed by environment agencies, which have been fighting with volatile organic carbons for years. Due to the high cost associated with air-cleaning technologies, the tolerable levels of pollution had been raised.

With a technology like “biomimicry” being created, however, the levels of pollutants released by factories and industries will now be controlled more strictly.

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