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Abu Dhabi To Build Two Green Towers Inspired By Nature and Islamic Architecture


A “design generated from a mathematically pre-rationalized form that derives from Islamic design principles” is about to be brought to life by Aedas, the world’s fifth largest architecture company. The Abu Dhabi Investment Council Headquarters will be built in collaboration with engineering firm Arup, and the deadline is 2012.

The design features two towers built at the Al Qurum Beach, which will act as a gateway to the city, and will be able to house 2,000 people in offices and private amenities.

The two companies designed the 25-story buildings according to the islamic architecture, helped by biomimicry and advanced green building technologies. The towers will also feature an innovative honeycomb structure that was designed following the analyss of high-efficient load paths.

The buildings’ southerly sloping roofs will have photovoltaic panels, which are estimated to provide their inhabitants with at least 5% of their energy needs. Also, the crystalline honeycomb-like facade will act like a mobile sunscreen and will respect the design lines of a Mashrabiya. The green part is that it will reduce the cooling needs of the buildings by 25%.

Completing the landscape, a beautiful palm tree garden will unite the two buildings.

[via inhabitat]

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