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Yearly Archives: 2014

Electric Vehicle Renault Fluence ZE

Renault Fluence ZE Electric Vehicle Shelved After Better Place Failure

Renault's fleet of electric vehicles is a little smaller, now that the company has quietly discontinued the Renault Fluence ZE, but it's easy to...
Renewable Energy is Beautiful

Beautiful Renewable Energy – World’s Largest Solar Power Bridge Now Online

Renewable energy, such as solar power, is just one part of addressing climate change, and the more solar power we can generate, the less...

Audi Invests In Sugar-Derived Biofuel to Power Future Vehicles

Eating sugar has always been on the "no-no" list of the millions, who desperately try to get rid of the extra kilos. But strangely enough,...
Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicle Has Worldwide Appeal!

Nissan Leaf Sales Behind, but 100,000 Units Isn’t Bad!

The Nissan Leaf may be one of the two most-successful electric vehicles in the world, but it's still a little behind original sales predictions. Nissan...
Freedom Industries - Free to Pollute West Virginia Water?

Freedom Industries Chemical Spill Bigger Than Previously Thought

A chemical spill in West Virginia, which was first detected January 9, was worse than Freedom Industries originally let on, meaning cleanup efforts and...
Obama Addresses Climate Change

Obama Announces Push to Address Climate Change

Many people recognize that climate change is happening, and that it's our fault, but not everyone agrees which direction we need to go. Here, in...

Multi-purpose Vehicles Made from Recycled Materials Could Save Lives in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the African countries where people constantly have to struggle with little income, lack of water and food, as well as...

New Solar Powered, Touch-Controlled MacBook Might Be Just Around The Corner

If you ever wondered when the time of solar powered laptops will come, or who would be the first tech giant to develop them,...

New Theoretical Model Could Boost Solar Cell Efficiency

In order for solar to become a financially viable alternative to fossil fuels, the efficiency must increase greatly. This mean breaking through the theoretical...

Evaporation-Powered Energy Generator, The Latest Renewable Energy Technology

If you thought that all means and potential of different sources of renewable energy have already been identified and tested on a large scale,...