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Yearly Archives: 2014

New Chemical Compound Might End Lithium-Ion Battery Fires

The flammability of lithium-ion batteries has become quite a major concern, especially when a number of accidents over the past year made the news agencies...
Toyota Prius Recalled for Hybrid Control System Software Update

1.9 Million Toyota Prius Recalled for Software Glitch

No injuries or accidents have been reported at this time, but some 1.9 million Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicles are being recalled to address...

Fluctuations In Sea-Surface Temperature Can Be Used To Monitor Climate Change

The list of indicators, which show that climate change is really happening, keeps getting longer, as scientists develop new methods to gather and analyze...

Cool: Double-Sided Solar Panels More Efficient in Snow

The world of solar is full of success stories. It is amazing to see how people can adjust to any environmental condition, only to...
Solar Power Threatening Fossil Fuel Power in Australia

Solar Power Threatens Australian Fossil Fuel Power

As always, big money is attempting to have its say in renewable energy, and such is happening in Australia, where coal and gas power...
Tesla Motors will Produce AWD Version of Tesla Model S

Elon Musk Talks Tesla Motors and All-Electric All-Wheel Drive

At a recent town-hall style meeting held by CEO Elon Musk in Amsterdam, we learned a little more about Tesla Motors' approach to all-wheel...
Beach Weather Coming, Is Your Electric Vehicle Range up to Task?

Electric Vehicle Performance in Winter, and Summer!

Considering that we're in the first half of February, you're probably wondering why I’m bringing up electric vehicle performance in the summer. After all,...
Public-Access Electric Vehicle Charger Not Needed, Says BMW Exec.

Do We Need Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?

Electric vehicles have limitations, there's no getting around it, but what is it, exactly, that makes an electric vehicle easier to adopt? The Tesla Motors...
Freedom Industries on the Banks of the Elk River, West Virginia

Freedom Industries Chemical Spill Closes Schools a Month Later

Now-bankrupt Freedom Industries, a month ago, spilled thousands of gallons of chemicals into the Elk River in West Virginia, affecting some 300,000 residents in...
Climate Change - Responsible for 30,000 Dead Livestock in the Dakotas?

Adapting to Climate Change – The American Farmer

Climate change is already affecting farmers around the world, but can they adapt in time to prevent global food catastrophe? Climate plays a huge role...