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Yearly Archives: 2014

Tesla Model S & vukee Car - Green and Convenient!

Tesla Model S Car-Sharing with vukee Car

Car-sharing companies offer a level of convenience and comfort that not everyone can afford on their own. Car-sharing company vukee Car, sweetens the deal...
Emissions Reduction Saves Billions, and Lives!

The Big Picture – EPA Emissions Regulations Could Save $Billions

Over the years, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has been working hard to enact regulations to reduce emissions in the transportation sector. Of course, the...

“Unexplained Delays” Mar Approval of Tesla Motors Direct Sales in New Jersey

The Tesla Motors direct-sales approach has gathered a lot of criticism across the Nation, not from consumers, but from special-interest groups. Those special-interest groups, of...
Shanghai to Triple the Number of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations by End of 2015

Build Charging Stations and Electric Vehicles Will Come to Shanghai

By 2015, the city of Shanghai, China, expects to have some 10,000 “green cars” on the road, by which I’m guessing they’re referring to...

Oil and Gas Companies Hit Hard by Obama’s 2015 Budget Proposal

Just a couple of days after the advocacy group Citizens for Tax Justice released a report showing how profitable oil and gas companies receive...
Tesla Gigafactory Possible Locations

Tesla Gigafactory Won’t be Built in California

This may come as a shock, but Tesla Motors, based in Fremont, California, has decided that it won't be building the Tesla Gigafactory in...
Mercedes-Benz S-Class Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Now to Get Rid of that V6

Mercedes-Benz S-Class Electric Vehicle “Still Future”

Looking at the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, or the whole lineup, for that matter, and one can tell that fuel economy is not at the top...

Audi Increases Fuel Economy by Monitoring Traffic Lights

How you drive has just as much impact on your fuel economy as what you drive, and Audi Traffic Light Recognition could help drivers...
Incentives Boost Nissan Leaf Sales in Texas

Nissan Leaf Sales Triple in Texas

The rebirth of the electric vehicle, led by the Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf, has seen electric vehicle sales numbers in the...

Bees Use Plastic Bags From Landfills to Build Honeycombs

Just because we do not know how to handle the piles of plastics that we dump carelessly in landfills, it does not mean that...