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Yearly Archives: 2014

Australia to Ban Environmental Campaigners From Exposing Anti-Green Businesses

When it comes to choosing between making profit and protecting the environment, which one would you go for? Although to most of us the...
Air Pollution and Asthma Costs $Billions

Air Pollution Cost $1.3 Billion in New York

Every addiction has its side effects, some of them deadly. In the case of our worldwide fossil-fuel addiction, the side effects are numerous, including...
Audi A3 e-tron, nearly 100% Green Electric Vehicle Charging with LichtBlick Energie

Audi A3 E-Tron 100% Green Electric Vehicle Charging with LichtBlick Energy

Opponents to electrified vehicles, such as the Audi A3 E-Tron plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, may object to their supposed environmental benefits, citing that they...
Renault ZOE Electric Vehicle - Quiet and Clean Can Still Be Dangerous

Electric Vehicle Alert System Could be Mandatory in EU by 2019

Ah, the unforgettable sound of an electric vehicle: the soft whine of electric motors is so unlike even the newest internal combustion engines! On the...
Climate Change Leading to Earlier Ice Breakup on Mackenzie River (and the Polar Ice Caps?)

Climate Change, Warmer Spring, More Polar Ice Caps Melting

Previously, climate change scientists had calculated that warmer winters were contributing to fluctuations in the polar ice caps, but a recent discovery may change...

The English Football Team Goes Green at the World Cup 2014 in Brazil

If anyone could help the English football team become extra cool during the World Cup in Brazil this summer, that would be Nike. How?...

Urban Green Areas Improve Human Health and Well-Being

We all know that living near a park or a  green space is always an advantage, no matter how busy the home city really...
Toyota Prius vs Caveman

Toyota Prius / Harley Davidson Abomination Found on eBay

There are Toyota Prius drivers who thumb their noses at Hummer H3 drivers, and there are Ford F750 Drivers who thumb their noses at...
Tesla Motors Puts Protective Measures in Place to Protect the Battery Pack

Tesla Motors says “Shields Up!” Adds More Protection for Battery Pack

After three Tesla Model S fires last year, some have been wondering if electric vehicles truly have a place in our transportation future. Tesla...
Wind Power by Festo

Festo DualWingGenerator is Remarkably Efficient Wind Power Device

A few years ago, Festo created a flying bird model that was remarkably similar to the genuine article. Now they’re turning their attention to...