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Yearly Archives: 2014

Africa’s Largest Wind Farm Begins Operation in Morocco

Solar power has established solid grounds in Africa with numerous projects picking up speed, being backed up by Google and other major investors. Now,...

Top 10 Energy Technologies That Can Transform The World

With warnings about climate change firing from all directions, it is about the right time we all start considering alternative technologies to generate energy....

This is Google’s Biggest Renewable Energy Investment so Far

The tech giant Google is by far the biggest supporter of green energy. To date, the company has invested in numerous projects, from producing biofuels,...

Viable Wireless Charging of Electronic Gadgets One Step Closer to Reality

Wireless charging of electronics has just been brought one step closer to becoming reality, thanks to researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and...

Solar Wind Downdraft Tower Now Under Construction in Arizona

The Solar Wind Downdraft Tower, a massive engineering project that will generate clean and cost-effective and efficient energy by combining state-of-the art innovative technologies...
Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicle - Latest Two-Ton Gadget

Profiling Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drivers

Statistically-speaking, what separates the buyer of an electric vehicle from the buyer of a hybrid electric vehicle? A number of things, as a matter...
Climate Change may be Responsible for Future New York City Flooding Every Four or Five Years

Climate Change Could be Responsible for Future New York City Flooding

According to a recent study, more frequent flooding of New York City, as well as other coastal cities, may be attributable to climate change. Hurricane...
Hamilton, New Jersey - Over 100 People Gathered at the Opening of the 100th Tesla Supercharger

Tesla Motors Celebrates Opening of 100th Tesla Supercharger

I’ll admit that, when I first read this Tesla Motors headline, I thought, “Wow, 100 Tesla Superchargers in North America!” Well, we're not quite...
Could a Nuclear Locomotive Cut Emissions in the Transportation Sector?

Heavy Metal – Nuclear Locomotives vs Diesel Locomotives

The other day, being particularly bored, I watched “Snowpiercer” online (Yes, I was that bored), and it reminded me of the thought of nuclear...
"Renewable Energy Will Skyrocket Energy Prices!" - Grid Operators

Scare Tactics – Renewable Energy will Spike Electricity Prices

We know that, to reduce emissions associated with power production, fully we need to make the switch to renewable energy. Some say this will...