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Yearly Archives: 2014

Cool: Solar Gardens Can Host Your Solar Panels So You Don’t Have To

In the past few years, the number of households that have turned to rooftop solar has risen exponentially. The obvious reasons behind this are...

Dear Human, Please Use Dear Human’s Tiles Made of Recycled Paper

Being a brand new house owner can be very exciting. You have all these ideas for renovating and refurbishing that keep popping up in...

High-Tech Garbage Bin Pays You for Disposing Waste

When you were little, did your parents used to give you a few coins as a reward because you did something good, like taking...
Even if you can turn off the game, the cable box is the second-worst energy vampire in your home.

Energy Vampire Numero Uno is Your Cable Box!

The modern home is full of electrical and electronic devices, just about all of which are energy vampires, that is, they continue to use...
Neste Recycled Oil Goes to Fuel Feedstocks

Neste Oil Recycled Oil is a Transportation Fuel Feedstock

Petroleum is a limited resource, but recycled oil can give it a second life before it finally is disposed of. As we know, when petroleum...

Breakthrough Discovery In Making Solar Cells Evens Out The Cost of Solar and Fossils

When solar became one of the significant players in the energy sector around the world, no one believed that it can grow so fast...

Kickstarter Campaign Uses Your Old CellPhone to Save The Rainforest and Reduce E-waste

Just a quick glance through the list of campaigns on the Kickstarter website is enough to make you realize which ones have an incredible potential...

Aliens Have Gone Extinct… Because of Climate Change?

I am generally not a big fan of conspiracy theories. However, a piece published on IFL Science a few days ago caught my attention, as being...

Agarwal: The Solar-Powered Device That Can Fight Malaria

I am pretty sure that there will be people who disagree, but mosquitoes are by far the most irritating insects around. Of course this...

UK Students from Brighton Turn Waste Into an Amazingly Livable House

Recycling is the only solution to the excessive amounts of garbage we produce on daily basis. Most landfill sites are overloaded with materials that...