The new 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid is a beautiful example of a hybrid electric vehicle that doesn’t seem to look the part.
What I’m trying to say is, the 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid looks like itself, a Honda Accord with some extra lettering on the back, “hybrid” specifically. Some may be familiar with the fish-out-of-water design and performance of first-generation hybrids, such as the Honda Insight or Toyota Prius. They’ll be happily disappointed that this is not the case with the 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid, winner of the 2014 Green Car of the Year Award and nominee for the 2014 Green Car Technology of the Year Award.
Writer and Car Fanatic Chris DeMorro, over at Gas2.org, recently had a chance to take the 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid for a test-drive, and was nice enough to post a review. You can see the whole post over there, but here are some highlights…
Now, keep in mind that this review of the 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid is coming from a guy who is, admittedly, a “gearhead who loves all things automotive, from hybrids to HEMIs.” One might be tempted to take what he says with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to rating a hybrid vehicle. After all, the HEMI and hybrid crowds are often separated by a deep chasm. Just give it a chance, and you might cross over, too.
Just shy of a luxury car, equipped with all the options, the Honda Accord Hybrid could be the anti-Prius. Actually, the Accord Hybrid is on par with entry-level luxury cars, kind of like her hot sister at Acura, but tuned for fuel economy. At the same time, it performs far better than its 2.0ℓ i4 would suggest. “It’s an absolute pleasure to drive, and I never found myself wanting for more passing power at any speed,” says DeMorro, and “Even with a heavy foot and high speeds… I never saw less than 38 MPG on the highway, and cruising at 70 MPH saw my MPG match or exceed… 47 MPG.”
Can a hybrid be both fun-to-drive and fuel-efficient? Can it also be roomy and comfortable? The 2014 Honda Accord Hybrid could be the perfect response to “One of everything, please!”
Photo credit: stevelyon / Foter.com / CC BY-SA