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K1 Evelio Could Become a Real Competitor For Tesla Roadster


Of course, before you’ll have read this article, your eyes will instinctively have looked at the picture first and what you’ll have seen will most probably seem to you as come off from a movie about the future. I mean, isn’t the K1 Evelio a sight?

However, besides being a sight, it’s a fuel efficient vehicle as well. The electric powertrain is equipped with a phosphate lithium ion battery, about which we don’t know how much it takes to charge, but about which we can be sure it will safely take us 100 to 150 miles.

The car has often been compared to the K-1 Attack Roadster, to whom the Evelio supposedly owns its appearance. However, the Roadster relies on a single speed gear box, while our star here can easily reach 90 miles, with only 3.2 seconds to 60mph.

As the technical part is concerned, we have’t been filled in about it much, but what we can say is that fiberglass has been used for the body and the chassis takes the form of tubular steel space frame. Also, its constructors made sure they used aluminum to reduce the weight, at least where possible – on its smaller components.

If you’re convinced about the car, what you might want to know next is the price, but sorry – not known either, although it may compare to Tesla’s.

[via EcoFriend]

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