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Speeding Tickets in Austria Skyrocket If You Disobey Pollution Control Warnings


DSC_0773In order to protect the environment, the Austrian government has recently imposed drastic measures for those treating motorway pollution with a lead foot.

Even though in Austria the maximum speed limit is 130 km/h (~80 mph), limitations to 60 mph (100km/h) may show up, apparently without a reason, on the highways’ information panels.

At the bottom of those panels is written “IG-L,” which comes from “Immissionsschutzgesetz Luft,” (Air Pollution Control Act) meaning that the emissions have surpassed the threshold in that area and speed needs to be regulated (cars going faster use more fuel, hence pollute more).

For those who know, it means that if you step over 60 mph your speeding ticket will skyrocket from the normal hundreds to about 2,000 to 3,000 euros.

So this piece is for those of you who think speeding up in Austria this winter will be cheap… think again, polluting is starting to become expensive.

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